The Idaho COWBOY
Solution to save Gasoline
The government wants
us to cut the amount of gasoline we use.
The best way to stop using so much gasoline is to deport 15
million illegal immigrants.
That would be 15 million less people using our gas.
The price of gas would come down.
Bring our troops home from Afghanistan to guard the
When they catch an illegal immigrant crossing the
Border, hand him a canteen, rifle and some ammo and ship him to Afghanistan.
Tell him if he wants to come to AMERICA then he must serve a tour of duty in OUR military...
Give him a soldier's pay while he's there and tax him on it.
After his tour, he will be allowed to become a citizen since he defended this country!!
He will also be registered to be taxed and be a legal resident.
This option will HELP deter illegal immigration and provide a solution for OUR troops in Afghanistan !!!!!
Problem solved.....
If you think this is a good solution to both problems, forward it to your friends.
I just did..........
Fw: Idaho Cowboy Solution
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Is this seriously what passes for decision-making among conservatives? No wonder we can't get anything done.
Also, most estimates of illegal immigration I've seen in the past few years place the population at 9-12 million and falling due to the economic crisis. This one at the top of the Google News appears to peg it at 10.8 million.
And yet Republicans cry bloody murder about the DREAM Act, which does exactly that: it gives people who came here illegally as children the chance to gain permanent residency if they serve in the military.
Republicans killed this act in the Senate, even after they helped write it, because the Tea Party moaned that it was "Amensty" and threatened to primary any Republican who continued to support it.
Recently they had a crack down on illegal immigrants in Georgia. The result: lots of farmers watched in horror as their crops rotted in the fields.
This may be a very poor idea from conservatives, and yet this "solution" is still better than not doing anything as the far left would have it.
The point of the email is to provide a method of gaining new ideas, culture and languages while building a loyalty and love for our land.
Sadly the left is only looking for votes and nothing more. They care very little about the implications this may cause if large numbers are allowed amnesty.
Republicans only see this an issue of preventing votes for the Democrats and not losing elections.
Immigration is a serious issue. I think most agree that there really isn't anything wrong with giving people a chance at living well.
We have been a nation that has always welcomed others and should continue to do so.
The problem arises when the people immigrate and keep allegiances to the former country, not just their culture.
I see little effort on behalf of ‘some current immigrants’ to assimilate into the system.
Problems are compounded by Democrats and some Republicans who demand that the native population conform to them.
All the while, our country is changing not only in good ways (language, culture, art) but in bad ones as well. (Loyalties to foreign lands).
See link.,0,7072114.column
That is what most conservatives are worried about. And Democrats should be concerned as well.
@Anonymous, Instead of making fun of this fanciful hypothetical email, provide a method to solve the problem that adds to the diversity of our nation and our culture.
This may be a very poor idea from conservatives, and yet this "solution" is still better than not doing anything as the far left would have it.
Did I not mention the DREAM Act, which was championed by Democrats, passed the Democratic House last term, and was then killed via filabuster by Republicans in the Senate? Well?
Sadly the left is only looking for votes and nothing more. They care very little about the implications this may cause if large numbers are allowed amnesty.
Sorry, no. Most on the left see the reality of the issue and acknowledge that some solution is needed to end the exploitation and abuses under the current non-system system.
And I don't remember Amnesty being such a dirty word when Saint Ronnie blessed 3 million illegals with it.
The problem arises when the people immigrate and keep allegiances to the former country, not just their culture.
You mean like how every city in this country has at one point been full of Chinatowns, Little Italys, Germantowns, Jewish Quarters, Little Armenias, etc etc.
Back when Teddy Roosevelt was a police comissioner in New York City there were entire sections of the city where you would be lost if you couldn't speak German. Boston was and is known for its Irish pride and support for the IRA. Its a total myth to think that immigrants always assimilated seemlessly into American society. Entire generations moved here and never learned a word of English. They didn't have to, they could live quite happily in their ethnic enclaves. Assimilation took place with their children and grandchildren.
I see little effort on behalf of ‘some current immigrants’ to assimilate into the system
Try opening your eyes. Most immigrants want to work and send their kids to school. They'll do what they need to do in order to accomplish those things.
All the while, our country is changing not only in good ways (language, culture, art) but in bad ones as well. (Loyalties to foreign lands).
Like I said, the number one supporter of the IRA was the Irish immigrants here in America. The number one supporter of Israel is a small but powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I'm sure those are the troublesome loyalties you are referring to...
Instead of making fun of this fanciful hypothetical email, provide a method to solve the problem that adds to the diversity of our nation and our culture.
Simplify the immigration code, greatly increase the number of temporary worker permits, and punish like hell any and all employers who hire illegals.
The sad thing is that you think Republicans give a damn about this. Republicans LOVE illegal immigration, because its a perfect issue for them. Their business masters at the Chamber of Commerce rely on illegals as cheap, plentiful labor and consumers of their goods. And the easiest way to fire up the Republican base is to invoke the spectre of illegal immigration and rail about how shiftless migrants are taking their jobs and all we need is a giant fence and a moat with alligators in it and blah blah blah...
Its perfect: they get money and votes as long as they don't solve the problem.
Did I not mention the DREAM Act, which was championed by Democrats, passed the Democratic House last term, and was then killed via filabuster by Republicans in the Senate? Well?
YES you did mention it. But the DREAM act was done for votes for the Dems and nothing more.
Sorry, no. Most on the left see the reality of the issue and acknowledge that some solution is needed to end the exploitation and abuses under the current non-system system.
The reality of the issue is that the United States will soon be a country with a large Latino base. The left sees that and wants votes. This has little to do with getting rid of exploitation.
And I don't remember Amnesty being such a dirty word when Saint Ronnie blessed 3 million illegals with it.
Saint Ronnie made a mistake. Not the only one from the talk I see here on this left leaning site. Contrary to common belief but many conservatives realize that other conservatives make mistakes. And this is one of them.
You mean like how every city in this country has at one point been full of Chinatowns, Little Italys, Germantowns, Jewish Quarters, Little Armenias, etc etc.
Assimilation took place with their children and grandchildren.
The difference is that they did assimilate with children and grandchildren. There were incentives to do so.
There are not as many today. Future generations have no incentive since menus are now printed in Spanish and no one is required to learn English.
Try opening your eyes. Most immigrants want to work and send their kids to school. They'll do what they need to do in order to accomplish those things.
Perhaps they are. And yet taxes are not officially collected from them to pay for the school due to corporate employment processes where they keep all profit.
Nor will they as the Dems and the Republicans do not want to enforce the current law.
Like I said, the number one supporter of the IRA was the Irish immigrants here in America. The number one supporter of Israel is a small but powerful pro-Israeli lobby. I'm sure those are the troublesome loyalties you are referring to...
Yes, these loyalties are not the best for our country, (but they do exist).
Simplify the immigration code, greatly increase the number of temporary worker permits, and punish like hell any and all employers who hire illegals.
Yes, and enforce the laws. That is the one thing that Dems need to do. Enforce current laws. Otherwise the employers and everyone else will get always with this crap.
Republicans LOVE illegal immigration
Yup. And so do Dems. I am shocked that you would use the word ‘illegal’ as the word is regarded by most Dems as racist.
The fact that it is illegal means only two things (for both Dems and Republicans). Fix the law. Enforce the law.
"Saint Ronnie made a mistake"
Oh no say it's not true.
YES you did mention it. But the DREAM act was done for votes for the Dems and nothing more.
Oh I see. It wasn't about providing legal standing to people who have lived and worked here for decades and who have voluntarily taken up arms and gone to war in defense of our country. It was "about votes for Dems", which is why Orrin Hatch was one of its original supporters, before turning tail in the face of a rabid tea party challenge from his home state. Yup, nothing cynical at all about demonizing and killing your own legislation and fucking over American veterans just to appease a mob of rabid morons.
The reality of the issue is that the United States will soon be a country with a large Latino base. The left sees that and wants votes. This has little to do with getting rid of exploitation.
So wanting equal enforcement of the law, a working immigration system and punishments for those who employ illegals doesn't have anything to do with getting rid of exploitation? Do you even know what the word means?
And yet taxes are not officially collected from them to pay for the school due to corporate employment processes where they keep all profit.
Except of course for various sales taxes and other fees, which are a huge source of money for states and localities. And the billions in payroll taxes that they pay in but never get back when they use false SSNs in order to get work.
Yes, and enforce the laws. That is the one thing that Dems need to do. Enforce current laws.
Interesting that this is put on the Dems only. But hey, I'm sure they would love to enforce current laws. Now all we'll need is about 100 times as many border guards and INS agents to handle enforcment. That of course will cost money, so we'll have to raise taxes in order to higher all these new government workers. Two things which Republicans will cry bloody fucking murder about, even as they demand strict "enforcement" and keep writing stupid laws like the one in Arizona that solves nothing but makes them look tough.
Yup. And so do Dems.
Yup, it sure is a winner to be seen as the "soft" side of immigration. White people hate you because you are "giving the country away", and latinos hate you because the system of exploitation continues forever.
One of the biggest protests of the last year in DC wasn't a Tea Party Rally, it was a coalition of latino groups demanding meaningful immigration reform and an end to the current system. Didn't get a lot of press because Sarah Palin wasn't there spewing word salad and hawking some crappy book, but it dwarfed all the Tea Party events which have been so hyped. Too bad any and all attempts at meaningful immigration reform cause Republicans to shriek "Amnesty!" at the top of their lungs.
W had the same problem. For all his faults, he did at least try to support meaningful immigration reform. Dems were for it. Moderate Republicans were for it. Who killed it? Conservative Republicans in the Senate, because it plays well to their yokel constituents and makes their COC bosses happy. Thanks for nothing.
The difference is that they did assimilate with children and grandchildren.
And your proof is... what?
There were incentives to do so.
There are not as many today.
Too bad there isn't some law, some act, which would have made this DREAM a reality. Hmm...
Future generations have no incentive since menus are now printed in Spanish and no one is required to learn English.
Except, you know, to function and be mobile in society.
Menus printed in Spanish? The horror! Next you'll tell me that French restaurants have menus in French and Chinese is spoken in dim sum parlors!
I think if the DREAM Act had been introduced as the Idaho Cowboy Solution it would have gone thru in a heartbeat.
You know what will help deter illegal immigration?
1) Stop grinding the Mexican economy into the shitter.
2) Pay higher wages so that Americans can afford to work on factory farms.
Problem solved.
As long as you keep the Mexican economy under the thumb of the IMF and pay slave wages to desperate immigrants, this will NEVER go away.
p.s. jeez, guys, it would be great if you had posting handles here. The back-and-forth anonymous battling is a bit tiring.
I'm curious as to how many people who complain about immigrants not learning English bothered to extend their own foreign language study past what was required to get out of High School? I had to learn español as an adult, and, believe me, when I have a chance to speak english rather than español, I take it.
One can learn the language of the country in which they are living yet be so uncomfortable with their ability to speak said language that they don't speak it unless absolutely necessary.
I found that those who complain about ferriners not learning English also make fun of people speaking English with an accent, which helps, of course.
There is nothing wrong with speaking español or English 100% of the time.
The problem is not immigrants speaking German, Spanish or any language.
You are welcome to be in our “house” as long as you want to be a member of our “house”
The problem is when people
1.) Arrive in a nation illegally, and have no regard for our laws.
2.) Claim we deserve it because we destroyed their economy.
3.) Claim that we deserve it because we stole this land from them.
4.) Continue to hold allegiances to the former country, even when that country does nothing for them.
5.) Encourage their children not to adapt, but to support and be loyal only to the former country.
6.) They demand change from a country that they do not support.
Progressives view 1-5 differently.
1.) They are not illegal, but undocumented. They are starving so they have a right to our excesses of food.
2.) The U.S. did destroy their economy so they again have a right to good living.
3.) The U.S. did take their land so too bad.
4.) So what. Israel and some Irish people do it, so what?
5.) They do not have to adapt. They can remain ‘xxxx’ because a ‘xxxx’ is still better than a United States Republican.
6.) We can provide the change and get their votes.
Anyone who arrives legally and is loyal to this country is welcome. Regardless of culture, race or language.
Most people feel the same way.
There are only a few xenophobes that want everyone out.
Some are conservatives, and some of which are Democrats/Dixiecrats.
Others want them to cut in line and become citizens like “Saint Ronnie” for votes, and vote only. That is why Democrats are behind this.
Logic, I don't think you understand progressives. Your claims 1-6 are all fallacious.
For example, the fact that we've destroyed economies south of the border doesn't mean they "deserve" to illegally immigrate here. That is ludicrous. They're here because they're OUT OF OPTIONS. I certainly don't celebrate that.
Do yourself a favor and try not to write what you think progressives think. Read what the lefties here write and your eyes might open. Also, stick to your own libertarian (I suspect you're libertarian -- correct me if I'm wrong) points and you will do much better in this arena, I promise.
And you may write, "why, you guys interpret RW points all the time over here!" As ferschitz wrote last week, the forwards pretty much speak for themselves.
Keep posting. I think you may be just a tad misguided and I certainly want to read more.
The problem is not immigrants speaking German, Spanish or any language.
Funny, we sure here a lot of bitching about "having to press 1 for English" and exortations for immigrants to "Speak English!".
You are welcome to be in our “house” as long as you want to be a member of our “house”
And the best way to make someone feel welcome is to slam the door in their face and/or trap them in an legal no man's land.
1.) Arrive in a nation illegally, and have no regard for our laws.
The vast majority of immigrants are law abiding, precisely because they can't afford to draw any attention to themselves.
They are starving so they have a right to our excesses of food.
Considering that they pick and process most of that food...
The U.S. did destroy their economy so they again have a right to good living.
Its cause and effect. If your burn down your neighbors home you can't complain when he asks if he can sleep on your couch for a while.
5.) Encourage their children not to adapt, but to support and be loyal only to the former country.
Again, what's your proof of this? This is the same xenophobic anti-immigrant line which has been bandied about for centuries. The Irish will make us all worship their Pope, the Italians are anarchists and mobsters, the Jews are evil, the Chinese threaten to undermine the masculinity of the White man. They'll change our culture because they refuse to "adapt".
Guess what? None of that turned out to be true.
6.) They demand change from a country that they do not support.
Support? Like working and paying taxes and serving in the military? That kinda support? The kind of support outlined in the DREAM Act?
4.) So what. Israel and some Irish people do it, so what?
Its just pointing out the hypocricy of this hysteria.
Anyone who arrives legally and is loyal to this country is welcome. Regardless of culture, race or language.
Even if that weren't bullshit, do you have any idea how impossibly convoluted our immigration system is?
There are only a few xenophobes that want everyone out.
But they are numerous enough and loud enough to kill any and all attempts at reasonable immigration reform.
Others want them to cut in line and become citizens like “Saint Ronnie” for votes, and vote only.
Saint Ronnie didn't do it for immigrants or votes, he did it as a payoff to his supporters in Big Ag, who absolutely depend on a steady supply of cheap, willing labor.
Who in their right mind would want people just to vote only? That doesn't make sense. I'd like to give them some sort of legal status so they can continue to work and contribute properly to our society.
As for "cutting the line", who says we have to make them citizens? What's wrong with just creating a viable guest worker program, with a seperate path for citizenship if a person so desires and meets the given criteria? These people can't cut the line because they aren't even allowed to get in line!
You are welcome to be in our “house” as long as you want to be a member of our “house”
It is not that easy.
I think it is fair to say that you are not allowed to post here. Please learn some facts and try to understand them. If you then have the courage then try to post. Please do not waste our time with your stupidity.
Yes you are not welcome in our house.
Glad to see some discussion going on here, and I actually *appreciate* how @Logic depicts how s/he has decided to project how *I* think/believe based solely and only on??? Who knows what? Perhaps what Rush Limbaugh said bc how @Logic depicts "my" feelings accords not at all with how *I* actually think/believe.
Firstly, this "story" about how US Troops should "guard" the border & then force "illegals" to serve in the Military in Afghanistan??? Well, guess what, folks? MANY of our troops are already men & women from a variety of "other" countries, who DO serve honorably in the Military. And THEN they do get citizenship afterwards. Like: DUH.
Secondly, illegal immigration has slowed down considerably since the 2008 crash, and in fact, a lot of immigrants - both illegal AND legal - have been *leaving* the USA to return "home" bc their are *more jobs* at *better wages* "back home." Illegals crossing the Mexican border have *greatly* dropped in numbers, and actually the Mexican ecomony - despite bad problems with the narco-trafficers - has been improving lately.
Ya might just wanna check out some FACTS once in a while.
Thirdly, it's an unattributed assertion to baldly state that illegals are either: a) deliberately breaking laws, b)deliberately seeking to not fit in (or whatever), c) encouraging their kids to not fit in.
What a load of rubbish! Have any of these rightwing libertarians *ever* even talked to or mingled with someone of his Hispanic/Latino background? Where is the *evidence* or *proof* of such nonsense?? Other than, again, something Rush Limbaugh belched out endlessly.
Might want to stay in factual reality now & then, and actually check out what people are or are not doing before *projecting* something made up onto them. That's called racism bc it's based in lies and the ginning up of fear of "the other" in order to divide the populace and pit people against each other.
Talk about attempting "get votes." Which side is worse in this regard???
The first Ferschitz comment is not mine but generated by my biggest mimic fan. The 2d comment is from the real ferschitz.
Just saying... guess these rightwingers just don't have enough of a ground to stand on to *defend* their beliefs, so they resort to underhanded tricks.
Finally if conservatives were actually "concerned" about use or mis-use of fossil fuels, the idiocy of this RWF stands out in abject stupidity in terms of the "solution," which is to somehow "round up" all illegals & kick them out. And then less gas will be used.
The trope, of course, is to poke fun at tree-hugger libruls who are so concerned about the environment, and who really cares about burning through fossil fuels anyway?? So let's come up with some nasty racist bigoted "solution" and ha ha ha, aren't we teh funneeee???
Rightwing humor FAIL, per usual.
Check out a very good documentary called "Food Inc," and in it, you will see how rightwing business owners actively recruit low-income illegal workers mostly from Mexico and Central America. Why? So that they can have cheap labor working in unsafe and unhealthy conditions.
When the ICE comes a-knocking, they round up the illegals and don't even give the business owners a tap on the wrist.
Duly noted that, per usual, rightwingers seek only to *blame* the illegal/undocumented worker, but where is the *blame* or consequences for the business/farm owner who knowingly HIRES undocumented workers???
That's the other side of the argument, and I never ever see Libertarians coming up with anything except *blame* for the workers but no responsibility or consequences for those who hire them.
The so-called "free market" demands *cheap* labor for some types of jobs. Guess who's going to do that? Yes, that's right: dreaded undocumented workers, who ensure that rightwingers get cheap food & produce in their grocery stores.
So the good ole boyz in GA drove out illegals, and hey! Waddaya know??? The "free market" said PHOOEY to working at stoop labor in stifling hot weather, and GA farmers lost a bundle on crops that could not be harvested bc there was no one *willing* or *able* to do the work. Plus GA farmers would've had to pay MORE to have non-illegals do this back-breaking work.
Gee whiz, Mr. Wizard. Who'da thunk it?? Just drive out all those dirty messican/nasty illegals who are so RUINING everything for Mom & Apple Pie & WHITE racist bigots everywhere... because, of course, there's just loads of God-fearin' gun-totin' real 'murkins out their LINING UP to do this work. So yeee-haw git yer tired nasty messican dirty butts offa my LAWN and go back ta whariver ya came from!
That'll show 'em!!
DUH! Double DUH!!! Hope the lilly-whites in GA *enjoy* higher food & produce prices this summer. But thank gawd that those nasty smelly dirty messicans is all gone away.
Stupid is as stupid does, but as we all know well, FACTS & Reality often have a liberal bias.
Go see "Food Inc." Good documentary.
"If you think this is a good solution to both problems, forward it to your friends"
Better yet urge your congressman to vote for the Dream Act.
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