Fw: The economy

Subject: The economy
- The economy is so bad that African television stations are showing 'Sponsor an American Child' commercials!

- The economy is so bad, a picture is now only worth 200 words.

- It's so bad, Snoop Dogg had to start eating regular brownies.

- The economy is so bad, I saw the CEO of Wal-Mart shopping at Wal-Mart.

- The economy is so bad, I went to my bank the other day and the teller handed me a note saying, "This is a robbery!"

- The economy is so bad, my ATM gave me an IOU!

- The economy is so bad that the highest-paying job in town is jury duty.

- The economy is so bad I saw a man in Costco buying one roll of toilet paper.

- It's so bad, the Lone Ranger sold his silver bullets on Ebay.

- The economy is so bad that 7 of 10 houses on Sesame Street are now in foreclosure.

. The economy is so bad, that I got a pre-declined credit card in the mail.

. The economy is so bad, that when I ordered a burger at McDonald's and the kid behind the counter asked, "Can you afford fries with that?"

. The economy is so bad, that CEO's are now playing miniature golf.

. The economy is so bad, if the bank returns your check marked "Insufficient Funds," you call them and ask if they meant you or them.

. The economy is so bad, Hot Wheels and Matchbox stocks are trading higher than GM.

. The economy is so bad, parents in Beverly Hills have fired their nannies and learned their children's names.

. The economy is so bad, a truckload of Americans were caught sneaking into Mexico.

. The economy is so bad, Dick Cheney took his stockbroker hunting.

. The economy is so bad, people in Africa are donating money to Americans.

. The economy is so bad, Motel Six won't leave the light on anymore.

. The economy is so bad, Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.


Anonymous said...

What’s the matter GW’s tax cuts for the rich were supposed to solve all these problems how much longer do you suppose it’ll take before you hard headed bastards admit you’re wrong?

Anonymous said...

The economy is so bad, Exxon-Mobil laid off 25 Congressmen.

Gotta say, I liked this one. If only it were true...

Sadly oil companies are about the only things still raking it in these days.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous take your meds

Anonymous said...

Anonymous take your meds

Says anonymous, without even specifying which of the other two he was wrongly referring to. Triple fail.

ferschitz said...

Sadly most of these "jokes" are true, absent the last one about EXXON "laying off" 25 Congress creeps. If anything, EXXON has PAID OFF even more.

But what's the point of this?

Are we just laughing our butts off while the ship of state sinks below the water line... and then feeling all smugly & piously indignant about??? about what? Dirty liberals? "That One" in the White House?

Like all rightwing forwards, this one, too, is weak sauce bc it offers not a clue as to what's going on, why, who's responsible and, oh I dunno, how to fix the mess we're in.

Yeah: let's sit around like good conservatives and whine & cry and victimize ourselves - even while telling "jokes" - but nary a clue as to why this is happening.

And so, the point would beeee... ???

- so-called "trickle down" or "supply side" economics has emphatically FAILED.

- Bush/Obama endless tax cuts for the rich has emphatically FAILED

- bailing out Wall St & the banks (a Bush/Obama legacy) has emphatically FAILED

- permitting US corporations to not pay any taxes at all in the brain-dead, easily discredited notion that this will "encourage" them to "create jobs" has emphatically FAILED

- continuing endless WAR, Inc (at least THREE and counting) for no reason in the Middle East & Africa is doing NOTHING to stimulate our economy because almost all the manufacturing & techology associated with it has been off-shored to China & elsewhere. This is an emphatic FAILURE resulting in lost lives and lost tax dollars.

So, where's the solution, chumps? What'll it be? MORE tax cuts for the mega-super-wealthy bc if we only just keep clapping louder for Tinkerbell, some days those rich f*cks'll give us all jobs or something??? WHAT?

Progressives Suck said...

@Hard Headed Bastard named Anonymous - What’s the matter GW’s tax cuts for the rich were supposed to solve all these problems how much longer do you suppose it’ll take before you hard headed bastards admit you’re wrong?
Or the fact that Obama voted to extend GW’s tax cuts for two more years.
If it was so evil, then why didn’t Obama stop it?
“Make no mistake, allowing taxes to go up on all Americans would have raised taxes by $3,000 for a typical American family and that could cost our economy well over a million jobs,” Mr. Obama said at the White House.

Progressives Suck said...

@ferschitz Bush/Obama endless tax cuts for the rich has emphatically FAILED
You are 100% right!!!

gruaud said...

The economy is so bad because our economy has been operated on by Dr. Milton Friedman and his "Free Market" true believers for decades.

The patient is so sick at this point, it will take years to fix. And since the Dems don't have a magic wand, the economy will continue to gasp, wheeze, and shit the bed -- allowing the GOPs to blame the Dems for the suffering GOP economic policy caused in the first place. And, once again, the forgetful vote in the GOPs again.

And, folks, if they get in again, you ain't seen nothing yet. This forward will seem like the good old days.

Anonymous said...

It would be interesting to see where youre figures for a typical american family($3000)came from.
According to Citizens for tax justice the effects of the 2001-enacted tax cuts in 2010 for a average tax savings of
$2,780 your income would be from $205,000 to $518,000 seams like those figures would be more like the average millionare's income.

Anonymous said...

The economy is so bad, a truckload of Americans were caught sneaking into Mexico.

Sadly, this is already true. At least a million Americans travel to Mexico for affordable medical procedures.

Anonymous said...

Or the fact that Obama voted to extend GW’s tax cuts for two more years.

He did that because the Republicans in the Senate held the nation hostage unless they got their upper class tax cuts extended.

They refused to allow anything to pass: middle class tax cuts, unemployment extention, the START treaty, repeal of DADT, etc unless they got their tax cuts for the top 1%.

When your option is to either keep those tax cuts or see everything else on your agenda blown up by zelots, you take the deal.

Anonymous said...

“Make no mistake, allowing taxes to go up on all Americans would have raised taxes by $3,000 for a typical American family and that could cost our economy well over a million jobs,” Mr. Obama said at the White House.

Yes, and he was referring to the fact that the GOP would only extend tax cuts for 99% of people if they also got them for the top 1%. It was hostage taking, pure and simple. What should he have done, let them blow up everything?

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous: $3000 remark came from President Obama.

Suck it.

Anonymous said...

Suck it

Suck what? Obama always wanted to extend tax cuts for the bottom 99% and roll back the marginal rate for the top 1%. Republicans held everything else hostage in order to secure a payout for their rich overlords. So the President decided to sacrifice that part of his plan in order to get everything else done, including tax cut extentions for the 99% (an undoubtedly smart things), DADT reform, START, unemployment extentions, etc.

Its called compromise, its something that leaders have to do sometimes, especially when the other side is a bunch of zealots.

Anonymous said...

I stand by my statement (irregardless of what Obama said) Statistics are hard to ignore and the $3,000 saving would require over $200,000 income and less than 3% of Americans make that.

Anonymous said...

Statistics are hard to ignore and the $3,000 saving would require over $200,000 income and less than 3% of Americans make that.

That's only if you are looking just at income and rates. There are also deductions and other provisions which were set to expire but had to be extended. The AMT patch, childcare credit, EITC, small business depreciation, college tuition tax credits. All these things could have dinged the majority of taxpayers in one way or another, in addition to the rate increases.

Anonymous said...

"Progressives Suck" is making the common mistake of assuming every "progressive" has to stand behind every decision Obama makes. I doubt conservatives want to admit to supporting everything Bush did, either.

The CBO has been saying for years that the economic benefit of lower income taxes doesn't come even close to making up for the loss of revenue from the Bush tax cuts.

Obama has been very willing to continue Bush-era policies while in office, but that doesn't make them right, even when they are bargaining chips to bludgeon a few pitiful concessions out of an utterly shameless Republican party.

Anonymous said...


ferschitz said...

Thanks, at least there has been some true "discussion" on this post, rather than just "nanny nanny boo boo" stuff.

As an extremely radical bleeding edge lefite/liberal, I disagree that Obama has been "held hostage" by so-called "Republicans." Yes, Republicans have pretty much refused to negotiate on any sane basis, but it's my opinion (disagree if you like), that Obama caves to the "Republicans" before he begins any "negotiations."

Just a fair warning. It's not Republicans who are pushing for changes in & ripping off of Soc Sec & Medicare. Obama has LED the charge on that one.

Been saying it for a while. I see Obama as manchurian candidate who works solely for the upper 1%. He is the poodle of Wall St.

Caveat emptor. JMHO, of course.

I believe that the old left v right paradigm is dead, and I see next to no difference between so-called "Democrats" and "Republicans" esp at the Fed level. These super-wealthy millionaires in the US Congress, the White House & the US Supreme Court work for their own self-interests as mega-rich sh*ts, and they work for the interests of the banks & Wall St.

It was taxpayers like YOU and ME (and that includes those who vote "Republican" and who vote "Democratic") who bailed out the Banks and Wall St. And yet, what have YOU gotten for your "investment"??? Eff all.

Banksters & Wall St & Hedgefunders are raking in billion$$$, paying excessively low to no taxes, and giving themselves GIANT bonuses & stock options.

How many jobs do you see these rich f*cks creating in the USA??? the USA has been losing jobs for the past however many years; we have record high unemployment (and the figures touted in the media are LOW and don't tell the whole story), and yet, what have YOU gotten for your investment????

More War without end. Three (at least) and counting.

Where is YOUR "Iraqi oil dividend"?? Ya think yer ever gonna see THAT???

Who's making lot$$$ of money from these Warz, Inc?? Not YOU (even if you voted Republican) and not ME.

WWII provide stimulation for the US economy bcecause we manufactured & built & produced stuff HERE in the USA, which meant JOBS for US citizens.

These days, guess where all of the USA War stuff, including technology, is being made & produced??? NOT HERE. Nope, it's being made in places like China & Viet Nam, etc.

What's wrong with that, you say??

1. No jobs for US citizens, just slave labor jobs in third world countries.

2. Sensitive technology & military hardware is being made in other countries, where these things could be sabotaged by non-US citizens/governments.

How SAFE do YOU feel with this going on??

Just a few things to ponder.

Y'all might wanna get off the "left v right" paradigm and start questioning who the true "threat" is to the lower 98% of US citizens. Getting mad a poor people or progressives or dittoheads is just what the super-rich want.

United we stand. Divided, we shall surely continue to be ripped off.

CMcD said...

How do you know a RW forward is really "reaching?" When they recycle one-liner #1 in one-liner #19.

That is all.

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