FW: Game, Set & Match

Subject: FW: Game, Set & Match

Not many details are going to be forthcoming until I can get face to face at the reunion.  Admiral Ed Winters (in charge of all SEALs) has been emailing and putting the word out to be professional and keep your mouth shut.
The President has already thrown the SEALs under a bus by saying that OBL was killed in cold blood after not putting up a fight.  I do hope Obama visits DevGru, because his reception will be colder than a BUD/S trainee’s ass during Hell Week.
My business partner and friend Matt wrote this: http://www.blackfive.net/main/2011/05/squandering-our-victory.html


Anonymous said...

If there's anyone in the Seals getting in the President's face about these so-called slights, I can't find any word of it from a reputable source.

There were certainly some strange twists in the initial reports on the raid, but is that seriously the sort of killer flaw that these people are looking for?

Anonymous said...

The President has already thrown the SEALs under a bus by saying that OBL was killed in cold blood after not putting up a fight

Huh? What? What the fuck is this whining about?

The President in no way threw anyone under the bus. He praised the SEALS for doing their job, and rightfully so.

I do hope Obama visits DevGru, because his reception will be colder than a BUD/S trainee’s ass during Hell Week.

Really? You think that little of the professionalism of our Navy SEALS? That they would disrespect the duly elected commander in chief, their boss?

Who exactly is disrespecting the SEALS here?

Anonymous said...

Only complete idiots would swallow
this blatant, propaganda.

Aw c'mon, that will never happen
in America!

gruaud said...

Chapter 5 million, one thousand thirty six of 'Just Makin' Shit Up'.

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