Fw: Nancy Reagan must be in SHOCK! not to mention Jackie turning over in her grave......

be in SHOCK! not to mention Jackie turning over in her grave......

Subject: Nancy Reagan must be in SHOCK! not to mention Jackie turning over in her grave......

Makes you real proud, doesn't it? It would appear that the First Lady's taste is all in her mouth.

And I am so thrilled to see she wears thongs and the blue shoes just complete the "green" ensemble.


Anonymous said...

a glimpse at the real Obama's

Thx 4 Fish said...

UM that's not what my daughter's thongs look like (they go straight up the butt). This is more like high-cut underwear. But its so nice of the right-wing to give us the opportunity to discuss the first lady's underwear. I haven't been this inspired by political dialogue since Bill Clinton's bj was the hot topic. "Classy" back at ya Wingers.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a freak. I mean, its one thing if you get drunk and kill a guy with your car, but to have panty lines? How un-lady like.

Anonymous said...

I know, huh? Why can't we get a president with the class to cheat on his wife with a string of women, or at least a divorced guy?

Anonymous said...

Yes, being addicted to diet pills, consulting an astrologer, and promising not to take thousands of dollars worth of designer clothes and then doing it anyway is SO high class!

Emma said...

Glad to see Right Wingers have their priorities in order.

ferschitz said...

Wow... if only I'd known! Face to palm! ... that Michelle Obama had a visible panty line, then I would've never voted for BHO for POTUS! That's certainly MY first priority!!

Thanks, conservatards, for this extermely important info. Really truly matters, especially in terms matters of national and international import!!

Tootseye said...

Odd that conservatives would "worry" about Jackie Onassis. However, my recollection of Jackie O is that she find something like this totally distasteful and would disdain and abhor conservatives for publishing something unflattering like this.

Jackie Kennedy Onassis was a very private person who abhored the pre-papparazzi when she was First Lady, as well as later.

Wingers are stupid to invoke her name over something as petty, trivial and disrespectful as this.

katz said...

The amount of Michelle hate directed towards her appearance is one of the most telling signs of the right's latent racism.

Anoner said...

Katz: "latent" racism? I think it's gone way beyond latent at this point, don't you?

Anonymous said...

Like Ohmigawd!!! 'Shelle Obama has blue shoes with green pants!!!! How ugly is that?? Can you believe it??? Tell everyone!

What is this? 8 year mean girl time? Did someone get nostalgic for middle school? Oh yeah: just t-party way of life: be nasty and stupid constantly. And so relevant, too!

Anonymous said...

Okay, the Anon right before me nailed it!

That's exactly what this is - middle school! (OMG-did-u-c-what-Michelle- wore-yesterday? It-wuz-lik-so totally-ugly!!! And-u-could-totally-c-her-panty-lines! I-think-she's-a-bitch-anyway-don't-u? I-mean-like-who-does-she-think-she-IS???)

It just dawned on me - the entire right wing noise machine draws heavily on the tactic's of middle-school mean-girl cliques. Seriously.

Anonymous said...

"...the entire right wing noise machine draws heavily on the tactic's of middle-school mean-girl cliques. Seriously."

Yes. Agree.

Anonymous said...

Nancita (don't cry for me, CA) had afternoon delights with mafioso Frank Sinatra whilst Daddy napped upstairs.

Just saying...

Anonymous said...

katz, I wouldn't be so quick to call this a racism issue. Rather, it's the Democratic-woman-leader-ism we've seen directed at Hillary (and Chelsea!) Clinton, and at Nancy Pelosi.

Baxter said...

michelle obama wears high-cut underwear, thus making her husband ineligible for the presidency! on a more relevant note, pumpkin pie isn't actually made out of pumpkins!

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