Sent: 9/6/2010 7:51:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time
Subj: ...first butts....
Subj: ...first butts....
9/07/2010 08:52:00 PM | Key Words: MICHELLE OBAMA |
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Yes, that's of significant national importance.
Well played, dummies.
Methinks one seldom sees such a selective photo as to show 2 very slim white females (?) against... Michelle(?).
I saw a decidedly white female at a local pharmacy about a week ago who was so fat, she looked like a mushroom. There is NO WAY that woman could see her feet while standing up, nor had she been able to do so for at least 10 years.
So STUFF your selective photography.
Sir Mix-a-Lot would be proud.
I wonder what these people think of size 12 Marilyn Monroe.
Do a GIS for "Princess Letizia Carla Bruni" and you can see the original photo. "Michelle" was Photoshopped in - pretty apparent when you look at the cloned step texture and the fact that the lighting is different on her.
The two women on the left are in formal wear because they're attending a "gala dinner". Who knows what Michelle was dressed for in whatever photo she was taken from, assuming that's even her at all.
So, is the complaint NOW that Michelle doesn't dress fancy enough? Or is it that she doesn't have the figure of a trophy wife?
Wait a minute, I thought all good women were supposed to wear pantsuits on their trips!
Ah yes, time for a sexist photoshop. Haven't had one of those in a while.
I agree with Hybrid: what are we supposed to be insanely outraged about this time? Bc Michelle allegedly has a big butt (which some would find attractive), that she's not dressed appropriately... or no, on third thought, is it back to the same old: gah, she's a n*****!!!
I thought the 'Baggers hated teh Frogz. So WTF?? Dumb, sexist, racist: same old, different day.
butt, butt, butt...
It's frustratingly hard to find pictures of Michelle Obama from behind, and I was looking before I saw this picture of her. (On the plus side, it's relatively easy to find pictures of her using a Hula hoop.)
Too bad we don't have a picture of her from behind in this dress.
Purely, for comparison purposes... of course.
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