for all those Obamba supporters!
Fw: Fwd: Obamacare Architect Says Society Would Be Better Off If People Only Lived To Age 75
I am talking about how long I want to live and the kind and amount of health care I will consent to after 75. Americans seem to be obsessed with exercising, doing mental puzzles, consuming various juice and protein concoctions, sticking to strict diets, and popping vitamins and supplements, all in a valiant effort to cheat death and prolong life as long as possible. This has become so pervasive that it now defines a cultural type: what I call the American immortal.
I reject this aspiration. I think this manic desperation to endlessly extend life is misguided and potentially destructive. For many reasons, 75 is a pretty good age to aim to stop.
At 75 and beyond, I will need a good reason to even visit the doctor and take any medical test or treatment, no matter how routine and painless. And that good reason is not “It will prolong your life.” I will stop getting any regular preventive tests, screenings, or interventions. I will accept only palliative—not curative—treatments if I am suffering pain or other disability.
This means colonoscopies and other cancer-screening tests are out—and before 75. If I were diagnosed with cancer now, at 57, I would probably be treated, unless the prognosis was very poor. But 65 will be my last colonoscopy. No screening for prostate cancer at any age. (When a urologist gave me a PSA test even after I said I wasn’t interested and called me with the results, I hung up before he could tell me. He ordered the test for himself, I told him, not for me.) After 75, if I develop cancer, I will refuse treatment. Similarly, no cardiac stress test. No pacemaker and certainly no implantable defibrillator. No heart-valve replacement or bypass surgery. If I develop emphysema or some similar disease that involves frequent exacerbations that would, normally, land me in the hospital, I will accept treatment to ameliorate the discomfort caused by the feeling of suffocation, but will refuse to be hauled off.
A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.
The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.
In a speech to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America Awards Gala, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said that she admires “Margaret Sanger enormously, her courage, her tenacity, her vision.” Secretary Clinton said she is “really in awe of” Sanger for Sanger’s early work in Brooklyn, New York, “taking on archetypes, taking on attitudes and accusations flowing from all directions.”
“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
9/29/2014 07:53:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, OBAMACARE | 6 Comments
Fwd: Leo vs. science: vanishing evidence for climate change
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, Sep 18, 2014 at 6:10 AM
Subject: Fwd: Leo vs. science: vanishing evidence for climate change
- According to NASA satellites and all ground-based temperature measurements, global warming ceased in the late 1990s. This when CO2 levels have risen almost 10 percent since 1997. The post-1997 CO2 emissions represent an astonishing 30 percent of all human-related emissions since the Industrial Revolution began. That we’ve seen no warming contradicts all CO2-based climate models upon which global-warming concerns are founded.
- Rates of sea-level rise remain small and are even slowing, over recent decades averaging about 1 millimeter per year as measured by tide gauges and 2 to 3 mm/year as inferred from “adjusted” satellite data. Again, this is far less than what the alarmists suggested.
- Satellites also show that a greater area of Antarctic sea ice exists now than any time since space-based measurements began in 1979. In other words, the ice caps aren’t melting.
- A 2012 IPCC report concluded that there has been no significant increase in either the frequency or intensity of extreme weather events in the modern era. The NIPCC 2013 report concluded the same. Yes, Hurricane Sandy was devastating — but it’s not part of any new trend.
9/26/2014 08:41:00 AM | Key Words: GLOBAL WARMING | 8 Comments
Fwd: Urgent prayer request
Date: Monday, September 22, 2014
Subject: Fwd: Urgent prayer request
"May grace and peace be yours in fullest measure" 1Peter 1:2
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
I received this prayer request during the night and am forwarding it to my
mailing lists. Please I want to come hear Lynn Brandenburger today but I
forgot to ask you what time he makes his presentation. Can you help me?
Dear All,
I have received these two emails from our missionary friends, one yesterday
and one this morning. I just wanted to pass it on so that as many people as
possible can pray specifically for our brothers and sisters. Much love and
This is so sad... A friend just got a text message from her brother asking
her to shower him and his parish in prayer. He is part of a mission and
ISIS has taken over the town they are in today. He said ISIS is
systematically going house to house to all the Christians and asking the
children to denounce Jesus. He said so far not one child has. And so far
all have consequently been killed. But not the parents. The UN has
withdrawn and the missionaries are on their own. They are determined to
stick it out for the sake of the families - even if it means their own
deaths. He is very afraid, has no idea how to even begin ministering to
these families who have seen their children martyred. Yet he says he knows
God has called him for some reason to be his voice and hands at this place
at this time. Even so, he is begging prayers for his courage to live out
his vocation in such dire circumstances. And like the children accept
martyrdom if he is called to do so. She asked me to ask everyone we know to
please pray for them. These brave parents instilled such a fervent faith in
their children that they chose martyrdom. Please surround them in their
loss with your prayers for hope and perseverance.
She was able to talk to her brother briefly by phone. She didn't say it but
I believe she believes it will be their last conversation. Pray for her
too. She said he just kept asking her to help him know what to do and do
it. She told him to tell the families we ARE praying for them and they are
not alone or forgotten -- no matter what. Her e mail broke my heart. Please
keep all in your prayers. Thanks
This came this morning... Just a few minutes ago I received the following
text message on my phone from Sean Malone who leads Crisis Relief
International (CRI). We then spoke briefly on the phone and I assured him
that we would share this urgent prayer need with all of our contacts.
"We lost the city of Queragosh (Qaraqosh). It fell to ISIS and they are
beheading children systematically. This is the city we have been smuggling
food too. ISIS has pushed back Peshmerga (Kurdish forces) and is within 10
minutes of where our CRI team is working. Thousands more fled into the city
of Erbil last night. The UN evacuated it's staff in Erbil . Our team is
unmoved and will stay. Prayer cover needed!"
Please pray sincerely for the deliverance of the people of Northern Iraq
from the terrible advancement of ISIS and its extreme Islamic goals for
mass conversion or death for Christians across this region. May I plead
with you not to ignore this email.
Do not forward it before you have prayed through it. Then send it to as
many people as possible. Send it to friends and Christians you may know.
Send it to your prayer group. Send it to your pastor and phone him/her to
pray on Sunday during the service - making a special time of prayer for
this. We need to stand in the gap for our fellow Christians.
9/24/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: CHRISTIANS, ISIS, PRAYER CHAIN | 28 Comments
Allah and 72 Virgins
Sent: Mon, Sep 22, 2014 11:08 AM EDT
Subject: Allah and 72 Virgins
A suicide bomber died and went to heaven, as foretold.
When he arrived there, he met Allah, and he said to Allah that he was ready
to claim his virgins, as promised.
Out of curiosity he asked Allah why there were so many virgins in heaven.
Allah regarded him for a moment, then replied, "Actually, the 72 virgins are
here in heaven because assholes like you murdered them before they could
experience the pleasure of sex.
So you're here to service them. Since they're virgins, they're quite
sexually ravenous; and, frankly, you'll be on constant, exhausting duty. And
I shall banish you from Paradise should you fail!"
The bomber responded, "Well, I guess I can live with that. How hard can it
be to keep 72 women satisfied for all eternity?"
And Allah replied, "Who said they were women?"
9/23/2014 08:24:00 AM | Key Words: ALLAH, MUSLIM | 1 Comments
Fw: Fwd: My Uncle Frank was a Conservative
date: | 18 September 2014 09:19 | ||
subject: | Fw: Fwd: My Uncle Frank was a Conservative | ||
mailed-by: | |
9/22/2014 08:11:00 AM | Key Words: Chicago, DEMOCRATS, ILLINOIS, REPUBLICANS | 1 Comments
Fw: You have to listen to this one!!!!!!
Subject:You have to listen to this one!!!!!!
You have to listen to this one!!!!!!
9/18/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: michigan, MUSLIM, WELFARE | 5 Comments
Fw: Dollar bill...Just A Matter Of Time!!!! Happy Labor Day
Marked dollar billYou don't think we're in a war?
A lady in Monte Vista, CO had this dollar bill. This is her story.
After dinner she took a $1 dollar bill out of her purse and displayed
it on the table. Underneath the words "In God We Trust" someone
had stamped the dollar bill in red ink--- NO GOD BUT ALLAH.
We asked her where she got this dollar bill. She said it was part of
her change in Alamosa , CO .
We took this picture of her dollar bill. These are beginning to show
up all around our country! If anyone tries to give you one of these
dollar bills as change, please refuse it and ask them to give you a
dollar bill that has not been defaced.
Send this on to everyone you can. May God bless our USA ---
And quickly, before what we know and love is forever gone!
9/17/2014 03:06:00 PM | Key Words: ALLAH, GOD, MUSLIMS ARE SCARY | 9 Comments
date: Thu, Sep 11, 2014 at 5:53 PM
I am now retired, own my own home, have 6 children by ONE WOMAN, and we all have the SAME LAST NAME. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Liberal Arts, a Master’s Degree in Sociology. My retirement, VA disability from combat in the Korean War (I only have one leg), and part-time pay in a local college, is about $125,000 a year. From dirt poor nigger to old, black, proud American. ,Yes, I am black, and I can say “nigger,” because I understand the true meaning of the word.
Let’s clear up a few things about the Michael Brown incident.
Fact: It is not called "shoplifting or stealing," it's called "robbery," which is a felony. Brown stole something and assaulted someone, that means ROBBERY. It’s on video and it’s a fact. Not shoplifting, not theft, not “lifting” a few cigars, but ROBBERY!
Michael Brown, like Trayvon, was portrayed by the media as a “little black boy,” cute little headphones, and his cap and gown photo, gunned down by a ruthless police assassin - executed by “whitey.” First, I have never seen a cop drag a person into their car’s driver door to arrest them. So, let us be clear, Michael Brown was a nigger - a sorry assed, criminal, hoodlum, nigger. Nobody wants to say that, but I will. He had a criminal record a mile long, was known for numerous assaults, robberies, including the one you saw with your own eyes, and still refuse to call a robbery. He was, like so many others, living a life that he thought he was “entitled” to, just for being alive. Gangsta rap, weed, drinking, guns, and those stupid-assed low profile rims, makes him some kind of bad-ass nigger.
I have fought communist Chinese and North Korean soldiers in the 1950’s with more honor than that nigger. Yep, I peeled potatoes and shot communists. That’s the only job a nigger soldier could get.
Rodney King? Black Riots!
Trayvon? Black Riots!
Hurricane Katrina? Black Riots!
O.J. Simpson? Kills white man and white woman and found NOT GUILTY. Did white folks riot? Nope!
In fact, when is the last time white people rioted? Civil War, maybe? That’s because they are, relatively, civilized people, much like many black Americans. Protesting is one thing - hell, I’m all for it. Even if you are an ignorant idiot, you have a right to protest.,
Stop only showing the young black "cap and gown" photos of Michael. Charles Manson may have a few of those laying around, as well. Show the nigger "gangsta" photos of the "poor unarmed teenager" (grown man) pics that have been removed from his Facebook page, holding the loaded pistol, smoking weed, with a mouthful of money.
Militarization? The stupid-assed media that publicizes this has no idea what “militarization” really is. Cops wear helmets and vests, and drive armored vehicle because unemployed niggers throw bricks and Molotov cocktails at them, moron! You put on an "Adam 12" uniform and walk down the streets of Ferguson during the criminal riots. I can guarantee that you'll jump into the first armored "military tank" that you see.
You only "want the police" when you "need the police," otherwise, you mock and fear what you do not understand about the police. And by the way, the police are trained to take your s--t, but I wouldn’t mess around with those Army National Guard, they aren’t as well disciplined “culturally” to take your s--t like police do every day. They will ventilate your black asses with M-16s with military precision and extreme prejudice.
And finally, is the way we protest and demand justice is to run down the streets breaking s--t, looting stores, and acting like a bunch of untrained monkeys? Hell, after Rodney King, criminal niggers were actually killing people, thinking they were entitled to be worse criminals than they already were. For those black criminals that do that, you are a disgrace to your race, inflamed by idiots like Al Sharpton, instead of listening to logic from proud black Americans, like Bill Cosby, Samuel Jackson, Colin Powell, Allen West, me, etc.
You blame white people for your ignorance, criminal acts, unemployed laziness, etc.
You blame white people for 89% of the prisons in America being full of blacks. They did nothing wrong, the racists white cops framed them all. Right? No chance at school, no chance for college, military, employment? BULL S--T!
More niggers kill niggers, than niggers killing whites, whites killing niggers, and whites killing whites ... COMBINED! I find this astounding.
It's not white peoples' faults, the Emancipation Proclamation was signed by a white man years ago. You can go to school, get a job, buy a house, and vote, JUST LIKE WHITE FOLKS!!!! You are not a slave, you are not discriminated against! Slavery is abolished, and nobody alive today was alive when it was popular. Get over it! You are discriminated against because you are a criminal, sorry-assed nigger. Otherwise, black Americans are treated like everyone else.
If you choose to create "baby daddy and baby mama," and fake disabilities as an excuse for laziness to draw Social Security disability instead of husband, wife, family, job, mortgage, it's YOUR FAULT, not white folks. And there are a lot of proud black Americans that will tell you the same. I AM ONE OF THEM!!!
Remember, the way you act on the camera, is remembered by everyone who sees it. They will never forget it. It shows them how you, as the black race, respond to situations that don’t particularly go the way you think they should. It will become a reference standard, something they expect from you when the next media report doesn’t go your way. Stop being stupid niggers and be a proud black American. My parents raised me well, but they were wrong about one thing - I am not a nigger.
I will not be around long. While my mind is still sharp, and my aim is still good, my body is eating away with cancer. It started in the prostate, and is spreading rapidly. After I die, I have asked my children to publish my writings and include my name. Although I am not expecting any miracles, I can only hope that Americans will stop blaming color, start blaming criminals, and see people for what they really are.
We have too many countries that want us dead. We should not be fighting each other.
9/16/2014 08:28:00 AM | Key Words: BLACK, Ferguson, RACISM, Trayvon Martin, WHITE | 13 Comments
Fw: Fwd: ‘ISIL Is Not Islamic’? Is Obama Completely Insane?
Now let’s make two things clear: ISIL is not “Islamic.” No religion condones the killing of innocents, and the vast majority of ISIL’s victims have been Muslim. And ISIL is certainly not a state. It was formerly al Qaeda’s affiliate in Iraq, and has taken advantage of sectarian strife and Syria’s civil war to gain territory on both sides of the Iraq-Syrian border. It is recognized by no government, nor the people it subjugates. ISIL is a terrorist organization, pure and simple. And it has no vision other than the slaughter of all who stand in its way.
ISIS’ stated goal is to restore the “caliphate” — an Islamic state under the rule of a community of religious scholars guided by a supreme leader, the caliph or khalifah, which is generally taken to mean the successor to the Prophet Muhammad.
In the Capitol on Tuesday morning, House Democrats decided after a long debate that they too would call the extremist group ISIL — partly because ISIS was a name that first belonged to a goddess, and then to thousands of women who took said goddess’s name, before a terrorist group claimed it. As Max Fisher at Vox reported last week, many women named Isis have been aggravated by the acronym favored by most people discussing the Islamic State. Isis Martinez, a woman in Miami, has been gathering signatures for a petition titled, “Thousands of Women are Named Isis, Please Petition the Media to Use the Accurate Acronym ISIL.” She has 138 signatures.
Fwd: Fwd: Please Pass It On
Subject: Fw: Fwd: Please Pass It On
Subject: Fwd: Fwd: Please Pass It On
Received this today from a friend…
If you are not a veteran send this to those that you know who are, or to those who may know veterans.
Thank You.
The commander in chief is AWOL. Not a peep, although he ordered the White House flag flown at half-staff for the Sikhs that were killed. There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president.
It has taken on a dangerous tone. No one knows what to do about him, but the anger runs deep as the deaths continue with no strategic end in sight to the idiocy of this war. Obama has had 4 years to end this futile insanity, during which time he has vacationed, golfed, campaigned, and generally ignored the plight of our men and women in uniform. But, there is now a movement afoot in the armed services to launch a massive get out the vote drive against this president.
The one million military retirees in Florida alone could mean an overwhelming victory in that state if they all show up at the polls. It might not keep another one hundred U.S. troops from dying between now and November, but a turn out to vote by the military against this heart breaking lack of leadership can make a powerful statement that hastens a change to the indifference of this shallow little man who just lets our soldiers die.
Veterans: Please forward to your lists. High Priority!
Never give in. Never, never, never, never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.
Sir Winston S.Churchill
9/10/2014 12:13:00 PM | Key Words: 2014 Election, AFGHANISTAN, AMERICAN SOLDIER, BARACK OBAMA, IRAQ, Marines | 4 Comments
Fw: Fwd: FW: Skunk
Non-lethal or harmful. Clears the area pronto!
Skunk: A Weapon From Israel.......Hmmmmm
9/09/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: Ferguson, ISRAEL, MISSOURI | 3 Comments
Fw: Fwd: Fw: Fwd: Hmmmm, Makes You Wonder !!

9/08/2014 03:00:00 AM | Key Words: BLACK, WHITE | 3 Comments
Fw: Broken eye socket
If a 300 pound 6'6" guy comes at you with intend to harm , in a confined space like a house, you you better shoot him. Especially if "he" thinks you are there to arrest him.
It appears this guy shot Brown several times in "non-lethal" areas trying to stop him. Otherwise why would he have been shot so many times in the arm and side?........and after he had been hit in the head by this "gentle giant"!!!
You won't see much defense of this cop by the media. They like "race" stories better than "all of the story" or "objective reporting".
Think about how much you have heard in the media in defense of this officer or at least his side of this story.Why aren't
the media releasing the photos of Police Officer Darren Wilson’s injuries after he was assaulted by “the unarmed black teenager”?
He was punched in the face before he emptied his weapon into the drugged “unarmed teenager”...this is what a broken eye socket looks like.
9/05/2014 09:00:00 AM | Key Words: Ferguson, MISSOURI | 5 Comments
Fwd: FW: Fwd: Good Article
Obamacare forces all Americans to purchase health care which is clearly unconstitutional. No white president could get away with boldly and arrogantly thwarting the will of the American people and ignoring laws. President Clinton tried universal health care. Bush tried social security reform. The American people said "No" to both presidents' proposals and it was the end of it. So how can Obama get away with giving the American people "the finger?" The answer: He is black. The mainstream liberal media continues to portray all who oppose Obama in any way as racist. Despite a list of failed policies, overreaches into the private sector, violations of the Constitution and planned destructive legislation too numerous to mention in this article, many Americans are still fearful of criticizing our first black president. Incredible.My fellow Americans, you must not continue to allow yourselves to be "played" and intimidated by Obama's race or the historical context of his presidency. If we are to save America, the greatest nation on the planet, Obama's actions must be thwarted.
9/04/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, BILL CLINTON, BLACK, CONSTITUTION, JOE BIDEN | 6 Comments