Fw: How To Stop A Massacre!

Subject: How To Stop A Massacre!

Too bad this senior citizen was not present in the Aurora theater


Anonymous said...

The aurora shooting took place in a dark theatre. The shooter was protected by body armor, used tear gas to blind everyone, was heavily armed and wasn't interested in "robbing" anyway, just in shooting as many people as possible.

If the Aurora shooter had been the one in the video its a good bet that this senior citizen would be dead before he could even register what was happening, because the shooter would have been firing dozens of rounds at anyone in his field of vision.

Anonymous said...

As horrifying as the tragedy in Aurora was, it's the people desperate to whip out their guns in a dark, tear gas-filled theater and start unloading that really scare me.

Members of our armed forces were killed that night in the chaos. What makes you think you'd be Commander Badass?

Anonymous said...

Is this guy actually shooting at them as they're trying to flee?

Seems that even "stand your ground" laws would not entitle you to chase someone who's fleeing and try to put a bullet in their back.

But knowing Florida, that's probably perfectly acceptable.

ferschitz said...

Awaiting rightwing nutjob crazed hyperventilating rationalizations over the murder of at least 7 in Sikh Temple in WI. No doubt, if only every Sikh in the Temple had been armed with Uzi's, then all would be well.

This is just depressing.

gruaud said...

There can never be a rational conversation on gun control in this country because the other side is NOT RATIONAL.

It's not up for debate or even discussion, and it will never be up for discussion if they can help it.

I'd say the NRA is kicking our left-wing asses. As much as I hate to say it.

Anonymous said...

"Grandpa" was the owner and WAS in his legal right to chase and discharge his weapon at the fleeing perps....they were in/on his property!!!!!

Get back to you "weird science" gruaud...LMAO

Winky ;-)

gruaud said...

Not enough exclamation points.

Anonymous said...

"Grandpa" was the owner and WAS in his legal right to chase and discharge his weapon at the fleeing perps....they were in/on his property!!!!!

Grandpa has a legal right to self defense, not to chase down and shoot people, be they on his property or not.

And this still doesn't change the fact that this whole comparison is bogus. Had "Grandpa" been in that theater he would have been blinded by tear gas and darkness and likely gunned down before he realized what what happening.

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure the people seated behind grandpa were too excited when the robbers started shooting towards (and missing) grandpa.

Anonymous said...

Bottom line, they all could have died that day if "grandpa" had not taken action. I seriously doubt they would have broken into that cafe if they knew every Parton was armed. Knowing that the majority of individuals are unarmed automatically puts the perps in a more defensive position.

gruaud said...

Well, your logic is ass-backwards for starters, but I get your gist.

Arming everyone is flat out insane. And so is Wayne LaPierre.

Anonymous said...

Knowing that the majority of individuals are unarmed automatically puts the perps in a more defensive position.

Considering that most of the gun massacres we've had in this country end with the gunman offing themselves I don't see how threatening them with death is a deterrent at all.

ferschitz said...

In a lot of cases of shootings, there have either been armed guards and/or armed security forces - as at Columbine & VA Tech - or there have been citizens nearby legitimately armed - such as when Jared Loughner shot into the crowd in Tucson.

In none of those cases has the presence of armed guards/security forces and/or the potential of citizens legitimately packing heat (esp in a state like AZ where this is common) made one iota of a difference. The murder & injury rate was still high; the shooter was not stopped until a lot of people died. And often, as gruaud points out, the shooter commits suicide anyway.

The so-called "arguments" in favor of arming everyone to the theeth because - THEN! ta daaa! - as if by magic the shooters will either be shot dead before anyone is killed or injured or the shooter will be downed before "much" damage is done is ridiculous.

It is magical thinking - a result of the brainwashing done unto our gullible sheeple by venal amoral greedheads in the NRA & BigGuns, BigAmmo industries.

Attempting to "justify" your arguments with nonsense is sheer stupidity.

Frankly when do MY rights to be alive finally supercede the so-called "rights" of everyone & anyone to be able to buy guns without meaningful restrictions & regulations. It's bullshit, and even the rightwing nutjobs know it, but their right to be immature greedy selfish pricks supercedes all these days... in the rush to worship at the temple of mammon.

Good luck to us all.

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