FW: The real boss

Subject: Fwd: The real boss

I found the following on the blog “conservative voices” at wordpress.com. It shows what I’ve always suspected about whose really in charge in Washington and what the real agenda of Obama is. Please pass this along so everyone will see just how dangerous things are for our country. And Please Pray, Pray Pray for America, she needs your prayers now more than ever!

The Real Boss of America

My name is Harold Robison. I have been a member of the White House domestic staff for 41 years and have been proud to serve my country and the 9 first families that have resided in the White House during my time there. To prove I’m really who I say I am you can find my name at the following white house staff list if they haven’t already taken it down because of this http://www.whitehouse.gov/administration/staff/residence/waitstaff.html . The staff that deal directly with the first families have always followed a tradition of silence about what they hear or see while performing their jobs. What I am about to relate may cost me my job, but I am truly worried for our country and I can not stay silent anymore. There is a real boss of America and HER agenda is shocking.

First a little about myself. I consider myself an American first. I am also a black man. My country has treated me very well, regardless of my skin color. I have not really experienced the racism that you frequently hear about from some of the more vocal so called leaders of the black community in America. Perhaps some black people have, I’m just saying it hasn’t happened to me and I think it is much less common than some would have you believe. My only hope in pointing this out will be that you listen to what I have to say with an open mind and believe me because I really have no agenda except getting the truth out.

The White House has been very careful to craft an image of the first lady, Michelle, as a doting mother who supports her husband but stays out of the big issues the President has to deal with. Let me tell you from first hand experience nothing could be farther from the truth. Now I must say I like the President. He seems to be an honest man with genuinely good intentions, but he doesn’t wear the pants in his family. I have personally witnessed the first lady berate top aides to the President, bully the White House staff and fire three of my coworkers. These people did not deserve to lose their jobs. They were loyal and hard working public servants. It wasn’t until I overheard the first lady whispering to one of her aides “now we can add some color to this White House” that I discovered the true reason for their dismals. You see they were all three white. I have also overheard the first lady tell the president on several occasions that she felt he wasn’t pushing “The Agenda” hard enough. I do not know what this phrase means exactly, but I’m guessing it is some code word the two worked out together for something they haven’t shared with the American people.

Two days ago I was working a luncheon the first lady held for the top teachers of America’s schools. The first lady sat next to a young teacher from the D.C. school district and mainly talked with her through most of the lunch. While I was serving dessert I overheard the first lady say the following (and this is a direct quote) “lets see how the crackers like it when they get the other end of the stick”. I was shocked. To hear such a blatantly racist thing uttered by the first lady appalled me. I have never heard anything even close to this and as I mentioned I have served 9 families over 40 years in my time at the White House.

Having seen first hand who is really in charge at the White House has opened my eyes to what is really going on with this administration. Don’t be fooled by the fancy words or the supposed big issues. There is something truly frightening going on behind the scenes and the first lady is behind it all. I pray every night that God will protect the United States during these dark hours and urge you to do the same.


Anonymous said...

This has not made Snopes yet so it must be true.

Hibryd said...

I checked Snopes as well. I mean, it *sounds* so plausible, doesn't it?

So I checked the link provided in the email. Gasp! It IS taken down! There must be a conspiracy afoot!

Except not even Google caching has any hits on "Harold Robison" on whitehouse.gov. Google's cache also does not seem to think the "staff/residence" folder ever existed. And now that I think about it, why would the White House even list the names of the waitstaff? Wouldn't that be a security risk?

gruaud said...

"I have not really experienced the racism that you frequently hear about from some of the more vocal so called leaders of the black community in America. Perhaps some black people have, I’m just saying it hasn’t happened to me and I think it is much less common than some would have you believe. My only hope in pointing this out will be that you listen to what I have to say with an open mind and believe me because I really have no agenda except getting the truth out."

My bullshit detector just exploded.

Damn, and I just bought the damned thing.

tootseye said...

Ding, ding, ding, ding: bullshit!

Gad: talk about a paranoid racist, sexist fantasy. Teh black butler is just, like, so offended by teh black FLOTUS... please!

Buncha panty-waisted southern rednecked men (sorry guys, but really!! amIright?) with too much time on their hands.

Anonymous said...

I seem to recall similar stories told about Hillary R Clinton when she was FLOTUS. I couldn't find anything on a quick trip to snopes, but I seem to recall similar butler stories about how Hills was all mean to everyone & wanting to fire everyone bc of whatever.

Typical b.s. I would find it surprising if White House staff actually reported stuff like this, even IF it was happening (unlikely).


Unknown said...

target audience: Faux News watchers.

Yes, they are this credulous.

Celia said...

Well obviously, if someone sends a faceless e-mail claiming to be a person who works at the White House, they must really be that person, if that person exists.

I'm actually Gordon Brown, pretending to be a woman on the internet. All women on the internet are overweight middle aged men, but I'm totally real, you know.

Anonymous said...

I can't find anything on WH staff being fired. Still, as fair and balanced as G Beck's stuff

Anonymous said...

This whole thing reeks of a search-and-replace with "Michelle" substituted for "Hillary".

Again, it seems like half the time they can't even be bothered to write original crap about the Obamas, and are just recycling old Clinton screeds.

At least try to be ORIGINAL, will ya? You've got at least 3.5 years left to bash 'em, you might as well work on some new material....

Anonymous said...

Yes - this sounds very authentic. I am certain it must be true. Especially the parts where he hasn't personally experienced racism in his life and when he confesses that he doesn't under what "agenda" means.

I'll bet he wears white gloves and will shine your shoes like MIRRORS for two-bits.

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