Subject: Fw: I love this....
Fw: I love this....
11/13/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, GEORGE W. BUSH |
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Ha ha ha, no it isn't.
We're STILL trying to dig our way out of Bush's rubble. We probably never will.
Dark money won nearly every election in the midterms. Another triumph for Citizens United.
I'm pleased to announce that as of this year, my mutual funds have finally returned to the value they had on the day Bush took office.
Republicans are absolutely toxic to the stock market.
Then there's the matter of the more than 100 people who were tortured to death under the Bush administration, but I guess that's never going to be investigated seriously.
I have a 2 second attention span, a 5 day long-term memory and don’t understand causality. Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!
Hi CharlieE: how about all the 100s that have been tortured during the reign of ObamaCo? Let's take Gitmo for starters, and don't think that there haven't been others.
You know I'm no supporter of W At. All. But let's get real about torture. It's still going on. Obama even *admitted* that he's had "some folks" tortured.
What's the difference if W approves of it or if Obama approves of it?
Let us not forget that Obama assassinated a US citizen in cold blood, and Obama has enjoyed, in the past (perhaps even now), his Drone Tuesday hit list.
Obama has started Wars in Libya, Yemen, Syria, Ukraine and now Iraq again (plus, actually, other places in Africa, etc). What's the difference when Obama does that v. when W does it?
My point as usual: no difference between the 2 legacy "parties" and their purported "leaders." Or differences are minimal wedge issues.
Sorry to seem to be picking on you CharlieE. Not just you. Everyone needs to open their eyes.
So are conservatives finally admitting that W had a lot of faults when he was putatively "in charge"?? Finally?
I disagree with some here. I do think Obama's also "at fault."
I think the 99s need to wake up and realize that neither legacy party "represents" the 99s anymore.
Something like 63% of eligible voters chose to sit this election out. Congress' approval rating is somewhere around 8%. I know that Obama's approval rating is also in the toilet.
The hugest wealth transfer ever happened under Obama. No one has attended to the needs of the 99%.
Yes, the stock market IS doing better. Well it's a casino, and it's rigged, and eventually it'll crash again whether there's an R or a D in "charge."
What about unemployment? The PTB can tout figures that look like things are better, but they're not. Quite simply a lot of unemployed people are not being counted. The figures are false and all part of the propaganda machine.
Hate to be Nellie Negative here, but ObamaCo sucks; W sucks; the D Branch sucks; the R Branch sucks.
Getting sucked into Us v Them b.s. just plays into the hands of the 1% who laugh their asses off at how simple it is to distract the rubes.
Citizens United most definitely is a huge part of the problem, but that Dark Money is not just funding the R Branch, it funds both.
Good luck to us all. Don't buy into this simple-minded hokum.
So if the country is f*cked up, it's all "ok" with rightwingers as long as it's the "fault" of a "Democrat"?
And so, how does that solve anything? Or are rightwingers (and lefties) just happy with scoring points off of each other?
Does this make any sense?
Per usual, thanks for nothing, conservatives.
Hi CharlieE: how about all the 100s that have been tortured during the reign of ObamaCo? Let's take Gitmo for starters, and don't think that there haven't been others.
Sorry to seem to be picking on you CharlieE. Not just you. Everyone needs to open their eyes.
My eyes are plenty open, thank you.
I voted for Obama in 2008. When it came out in 2011 that he'd used a drone to execute Anwar al-Awlaki and his 16 year old son, both of whom were American citizens and neither of whom had been charged with a crime, I immediately wrote to my Republican Congressman and asked him to introduce articles of impeachment against the president.
I've yet to receive a reply.
I'm not interested in torture or assassination from any elected official, but the fact that Obama is engaged in questionable or illegal behavior doesn't excuse it from his predecessor, who deserves to be prosecuted for it.
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