Fwd: FW: Born lucky.....
8/29/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: AFRICA, BARACK OBAMA | 8 Comments
Sent: Wed, Aug 20, 2014 9:11 AM EDT
Subject: OUR FUTURE???
If this is our future, then God PLEASE help us all!!!
8/28/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BLACK, MAKING FUN OF MINORITIES SURE IS FUN | 4 Comments
FW: At last--someone with a brain does something!
Sent: Wed, Aug 20, 2014 8:23 AM EDT
Subject: At last--someone with a brain does something!
From: Subject: Iowa says Nope!
Why can't the rest of the states do the same thing.
"People will forget what you said; People will forget what you did.
But people will never forget how you made them feel."
Obama flies illegal teens to Iowa. Iowa Governor flies them back to Honduras
Governor of Iowa announced: Iowa will not take any illegal children. Yesterday Obama overruled him and sent him 124 teens 13-19, landed the plane in Des Moines. Airport manager called the office of the Governor - Bransted, he drove to the airport and chartered a United plane from Chicago. Within 8 hours all the teens were loaded on, got food and drink. The plane left Iowa 8 o'clock Des Moines. Next stop was Honduras. Plane was unloaded. 4 social workers from Iowa made sure they got to the terminal, told the Honduras officials, here are your teens, they have no papers, you let them come illegally to America. Iowa refuses to take them. Iowa has its own laws. No minors who are not with adults. Iowa has not heard one thing from Washington.
8/27/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, IMMIGRANT, IOWA | 7 Comments
FW: U.S. Army Maj Gen Harold Greene was buried today at Arlington National Cemetery
Sent: Mon, Aug 18, 2014 6:08 PM EDT
Subject: U.S. Army Maj Gen Harold Greene was buried today at Arlington National Cemetery
Posted by <http://legalinsurrection.com/
"Respect By The Chain Of Command?"
http://bcove.me/a6wwmpmq <http://legalinsurrection.com/
U.S. Army Major General Harold Greene was buried today at Arlington National Cemetery with full military honors, including a caisson, two escort platoons, casket team, firing party, colors team, and a caparisoned horse. The U.S. Army band, “Pershing’s Own,” played softly as the funeral procession made its way down the long hill past the rows of simple white gravestones to bring General Greene to his final resting place.
The graveside service began with a few words, followed by a 13-gun salute. The major general’s widow, Dr. Susan Myers, was seated in the front row. To her right was their son 1st Lt. Matthew Greene, his daughter Amelia Greene, followed by Major General Greene’s father, also Harold Greene.
After three rifle volleys and the playing of “Taps,” the American flag, once placed on the major general’s casket, was carefully folded as the band played “America the Beautiful.” U.S. Army Chief of Staff Gen. Ray Odierno presented the flag to his widow, and additional flags to his children and father.
General Greene, 55, became the highest-ranking fatality in the war in Afghanistan after an Afghan military police officer opened fire on Aug. 5th, 2014.
Some People were missing: No President; No Vice President; No Secretary of State; No Secretary of Defense. It was confirmed that President Obama was playing golf at the time of the funeral.
8/26/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: AFGHANISTAN, AMERICAN SOLDIER, BARACK OBAMA, JOE BIDEN | 5 Comments
FWD: Olden times...
8/25/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, BIBLE | 4 Comments
FW: Help Me Colorado
Sent: Sun, Aug 17, 2014 7:51 PM EDT
Subject: Help Me Colorado
For all the tree huggers, who want to keep sending our $ to some of the
worst folks in the world, here's an add from CO.
Help me Colorado <http://www.youtube.com/watch?
8/22/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: ARABS, COLORADO, OIL | 3 Comments
Fwd: Watch "Christians Under Attack" on Fox News with Franklin Graham
Sent: Sat, Aug 16, 2014 12:40 AM EDT
Subject: Fwd: Watch "Christians Under Attack" on Fox News with Franklin Graham
Sent from Samsung Mobile
-------- Original message --------
From: International House of Prayer <noreply@ihopkc.org>
Subject: Watch "Christians Under Attack" on Fox News with Franklin Graham
Special news report on the Middle East from Samaritan's Purse. |
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Dear Friends,
In recent weeks and months one of our major prayer focuses in the Global Prayer Room has been for the Middle East, asking for the Lord's power and presence to break in particularly upon Syria, Israel, Egypt, and Iraq.
We encourage you to watch the Fox News special report tomorrow night on Christians Under Attack, focusing on the persecution of Christians in Iraq and the devastating suffering they are enduring at the hands of the Islamic Sate of Iraq and Syria. The report airs Saturday, August 16, at 7pm Eastern, and features Franklin Graham. Please see his email below.
In these days, let's join in prayer for a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit on all flesh; for protection, strength, hope, and practical help for persecuted believers; and for the salvation of Muslims around the world.
If you would like to give to help the persecuted Iraqi Christians, please
visit our website >
Until He comes,
Mike Bickle
Dear Friend,
Tomorrow night, I will appear with Greta Van Susteren on CHRISTIANS UNDER ATTACK, a special that will air at 7 p.m. Eastern on the Fox News Channel. I'm encouraging everyone to watch this important program that will shine the spotlight on how those who bear the Name of Christ are suffering around the world.
In Iraq, a terrorist organization known as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS, is threatening Christians with death if they don't convert to Islam. In Iran, Pastor Saeed Abedini has been imprisoned for nearly two years because of his faith. In Sudan, President Omar Al Bashir continues to wage war on Christians living in the Nuba Mountains.
These are just a few of the places around the world where believers are being persecuted in growing numbers.
Greta has been a frequent advocate of Samaritan's Purse on her program and on her blog, GretaWire. She has reported on our work in northern Iraq, North Korea, South Sudan, Haiti, and Alaska. I appreciate her now calling the world's attention to this vital issue.
Please be sure and watch the program, and pray for persecuted believers around the world. If you won't be home, please record it and watch later.
May God bless you,
Franklin Graham
President, Samaritan's Purse
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Mike Bickle Teaching Library
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Kansas City, MO 64137, USA
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8/21/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: CHRISTIANS, FOX News, Franklin Graham | 3 Comments
Fw: Fwd: Fw: looking for this girl
8/20/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA | 6 Comments
Fw: Fwd: Go Dutch . . .
Subject: FW: Go Dutch . . .
Go Dutch . . . But Why Wait Until 2015? The Netherlands, where six per cent of the population is now Muslim, is scrapping multiculturalism. The Dutch government says it will abandon the long-standing model of multiculturalism that has encouraged Muslim immigrants to create a parallel society within the Netherlands . A new integration bill, which Dutch Interior Minister Piet Hein Donner presented to parliament on June 16, reads:"The government shares the social dissatisfaction over the multicultural society model and plans to shift priority to the values of the Dutch people". In the new integration system, the values of the Dutch society play a central role.With this change, the government steps away from the model of a multicultural society. The letter continues: "A more obligatory integration is justified because the government also demands that from its own citizens." It is necessary because otherwise the society gradually grows apart and eventually no one feels at home anymore in the Netherlands.The new integration policy will place more demands on immigrants.For example, immigrants will be required to learn the Dutch language, and the government will take a tougher approach to immigrants who ignore Dutch values or disobey Dutch law. The government will also stop offering special subsidies for Muslim immigrants because, according to Donner:"It is not the government's job to integrate immigrants." The government will introduce new legislation that outlaws forced marriages and will also impose tougher measures against Muslim immigrants who lower their chances of employment by the way they dress. More specifically, the government imposed a ban on face-covering, Islamic burqas as of January 1, 2014. Holland has done that whole liberal thing, and realized - maybe too late - that creating a nation of tribes, will kill the nation itself.
The future of Australia, the UK, USA and Canada may well be read here.READERS NOTE: Muslim immigrants leave their countries of birth because of civil and political unrest . . ."CREATED BY THE VERY NATURE OF THEIR CULTURE."Countries like Holland, Canada, USA the UK and Australia have an established way of life that actually works, so why embrace the unworkable?If Muslims do not wish to accept another culture, the answer is simple;
This gives a whole new meaning to the term, 'Dutch Courage' ... Unfortunately Australian, UK, USA and Canadian politicians don't have the guts to do the same. There's a whole lot of truth here!!!!
ELECTIONS are COMING and A Nation of Sheep Breeds a Government of Wolves!
I'M 100% for PASSING THIS ON!!!
Let's Take a Stand!!!Borders: Closed! - Language: English! - Culture: The Constitution, is the Bill of Rights!
NO freebies to: Non-Citizens! We the people are voting!!!Only 86% will send this on. Should be 100%.
8/19/2014 08:15:00 AM | Key Words: EUROPE, MUSLIMS ARE SCARY | 7 Comments
FWD: Hillary's security detail
8/18/2014 08:54:00 AM | Key Words: Benghazi, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON | 2 Comments
Fwd: FW: Did you know this about bats? ;-)
8/15/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, TEXAS | 3 Comments
Fw: Gives a new meaning to "thick as thieves".
Isn't this special !_______________________________ Did you know these connections?ABC News executive producer Ian Cameron is married to Susan Rice, National Security Adviser.
CBS President David Rhodes is the brother of Ben Rhodes, Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser for Strategic Communications.
ABC News correspondent Claire Shipman is married to Whitehouse Press Secretary Jay Carney
ABC News and Univision reporter Matthew Jaffe is married to Katie Hogan, Obama’s Deputy Press Secretary
ABC President Ben Sherwood is the brother of Obama’s Special Adviser Elizabeth Sherwood
CNN President Virginia Moseley is married to former Hillary Clinton’s Deputy Secretary Tom Nides.And now you know why it is no surprise the media is in Obama's pocket.
8/13/2014 08:00:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON, LIBERAL MEDIA | 6 Comments
Fw: Fwd: FW: Fwd: : Latest update from Israel
8/12/2014 07:56:00 AM | Key Words: Gaza, ISRAEL, TERRORISM | 2 Comments
Fw: Fwd: Why Does The U.S. Government Have An ‘Office Of Population Affairs’?
Why Does The U.S. Government Have An ‘Office Of Population Affairs’? |
Posted: 03 Aug 2014 05:44 PM PDT
To assist individuals in determining the number and spacing of their children through the provision of voluntary, confidential and low-cost education, counseling, and related comprehensive medical services to eligible clients:
- To assist in making comprehensive, voluntary family planning services available to all persons desiring such services;
- To coordinate domestic population and family planning research with the present and future needs of family planning programs;
- To enable public and nonprofit private entities to plan and develop comprehensive programs of family planning services;
- To develop and make readily available information, including educational materials, on family planning and population growth to all persons desiring such information;
- To evaluate and improve the effectiveness of family planning service programs and population research; and
- To assist in training staff to effectively carry out family planning services
“The most merciful thing that the large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
He offered that “a comprehensive Planetary Regime could control the development, administration, conservation, and distribution of all natural resources … The Planetary Regime might be given responsibility for determining the optimum population for the world and for each region and for arbitrating various countries’ shares within their regional limits … The Regime would have some power to enforce the agreed limits.”
Holdren, et al, believe this global body possesses “ample authority under which population growth could be regulated.” Hiding behind the passive voice, they wrote, “it has been concluded”—by whom?—”that compulsory population-control laws, even including laws requiring compulsory abortion, could be sustained under the existing constitution if the population crisis became sufficiently severe to endanger the society.” (Emphasis added.) They added that if parents were guilty of “overproducing children, and if the need is compelling, they can be required by law to exercise reproductive responsibility.”
To further reduce the West’s population and carbon footprint, the “de-development of overdeveloped countries…should be given top priority.”
Holdren further, repeatedly, proposed the United States transfer $1.43 trillion to $2.86 trillion of U.S. GNP to Third-World countries every year for several decades.
A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men.
The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births.
“To our minds, the fundamental cure, reducing the scale of the human enterprise (including the size of the population) to keep its aggregate consumption within the carrying capacity of Earth is obvious but too much neglected or denied”
“Nobody, in my view, has the right to have 12 children or even three unless the second pregnancy is twins”
“We need to continue to decrease the growth rate of the global population; the planet can’t support many more people.”
8/11/2014 08:18:00 AM | Key Words: GEORGE W. BUSH, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON | 4 Comments