Fred was in the fertilized egg business. He had several hundred young pullets,' and ten roosters to fertilize the eggs.
He kept records, and any rooster not performing went into the soup pot and was replaced.
This took a lot of time, so he bought some tiny bells and attached them to his roosters.
Each bell had a different tone, so he could tell from a distance, which rooster was performing.
Now, he could sit on the porch and fill out an efficiency report by just listening to the bells.
Fred's favorite rooster, old Butch, was a very fine specimen, but this morning he noticed old Butch's bell hadn't rung at all!
When he went to investigate, he saw the other roosters were busy chasing pullets, bells-a-ringing, but the pullets, hearing the roosters coming, would run for cover.
To Fred's amazement, old Butch had his bell in his beak, so it couldn't ring. He'd sneak up on a pullet, do his job and walk on to the next one.
Fred was so proud of old Butch, he entered him in the Local Farm Show and he became an overnight sensation among the judges. The result was the judges not only awarded old Butch the "No Bell Piece Prize," but they also awarded him the "Pulletsurprise" as well.
Clearly old Butch was a politician in the making. Who else but a politician could figure out how to win two of the most coveted awards on our planet by being the best at sneaking up on the unsuspecting populace and screwing them when they weren't paying attention.
Vote carefully in the next election, you can't always hear the bells.
If you don't send this on, you're chicken.
Fwd: FW: Old Butch
5/31/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA | 1 Comments
Fwd: FW: So who gave the order to "Stand Down"??? ......Read below.
Subject: So who gave the order to "Stand Down"??? ......Read below.Colonel Phil "Hands" Handley is credited with the highest speed air-to-air gun kill in the history of aerial combat. He flew operationally for all but 11 months of a 26-year career, in aircraft such as the F-86 Sabre, F-15 Eagle, and the C-130A Hercules. Additionally, he flew 275 combat missions during two tours in Southeast Asia in the F-4D and F-4E. His awards include 21 Air Medals, 3 Distinguished Flying Crosses, and the Silver Star.Here is what Col. Handley wrote in response to Panetta and Dempsey's claims there was no time to send help to Benghazi
Betrayal in Benghazi Phil "Hands" Handley Colonel, USAF (Ret.) The combat code of the US Military is that we don't abandon our dead or wounded on the battlefield. In US Air Force lingo, fighter pilots don't run off and leave their wingmen. If one of our own is shot down, still alive and not yet in enemy captivity, we will either come to get him or die trying.Among America 's fighting forces, the calm, sure knowledge that such an irrevocable bond exists is priceless. Along with individual faith and personal grit, it is a sacred trust that has often sustained hope in the face of terribly long odds.The disgraceful abandonment of our Ambassador and those brave ex-SEAL's who fought to their deaths to save others in that compound is nothing short of dereliction-of-duty. Additionally, the patently absurd cover-up scenario that was fabricated in the aftermath was an outright lie in an attempt to shield the President and the Secretary of State from responsibility. The White House strategy, with the aid of a "lap dog" press has been to run out the clock before the truth is forthcoming.The contention "that there were simply no military assets that could be brought to bear in time to make a difference" mainly due to the unavailability of tanker support for fighter aircraft is simply Bull Shit, regardless how many supposed "experts" the Administration trots out to make such an assertion. The bottom line is that even if the closest asset capable of response was half-way around the world, you don't just sit on your penguin ass and do nothing. The fact is that the closest asset was not half-way around the world, but as near as Aviano Air Base, Italy where two squadrons of F-16Cs are based. Consider the following scenario (all times Benghazi local): When Hicks in Tripoli receives a call at 9:40 PM from Ambassador Stevens informing him "Greg, we are under attack!" (his last words). Hicks immediately notifies all agencies and prepares for the immediate initiation of an existing "Emergency Response Plan."At AFRICON, General Carter Ham attempts to mount a rescue effort, but is told to "stand down". By 10:30 PM an unarmed drone is overhead the compound and streaming live feed to various "Command and Control Agencies" so everyone watching that feed knew damn well what was going on. At 11:30 PM Woods, Doherty and five others leave Tripoli, arriving in Benghazi at 1:30 AM on Wednesday morning, where they hold off the attacking mob from the roof of the compound until they are killed by a mortar direct hit at 4:00 AM.So nothing could have been done, eh? Nonsense. If one assumes that tanker support really "was not available" what about this: When at 10:00 PM AFRICON alerts the 31st TFW Command Post in Aviano Air Base, Italy of the attack, the Wing Commander orders preparation for the launch of two F-16s and advises the Command Post at NAS Sigonella to prepare for hot pit refueling and quick turn of the jets.By 11:30 PM, two F-16Cs with drop tanks and each armed with five hundred 20 MM rounds are airborne. Flying at 0.92 mach they will cover the 522 nautical miles directly to NAS Sigonella in 1.08 hours. While in-route, the flight lead is informed of the tactical situation, rules of engagement, and radio frequencies to use.The jets depart Sigonella at 1:10 AM with full fuel load and cover the 377 nautical miles directly to Benghazi in 0.8 hours, arriving at 1:50 AM which would be 20 minutes after the arrival of Woods, Doherty and their team.Providing that the two F-16s initial pass over the mob, in full afterburner at 200 feet and 550 knots did not stop the attack in its tracks, a few well placed strafing runs on targets of opportunity would assuredly do the trick.Were the F-16s fuel state insufficient to return to Sigonelli after jettisoning their external drop tanks, they could easily do so at Tripoli International Airport , only one-half hour away.As for those hand-wringing naysayers who would worry about IFR clearances, border crossing authority, collateral damage, landing rights, political correctness and dozens of other reasons not to act -- screw them. It is time our "leadership" get its priorities straight and put America 's interests first.The end result would be that Woods and Doherty would be alive. Dozens in the attacking rabble would be rendezvousing with "72 virgins" and a clear message would have been sent to the next worthless P.O.S. terrorist contemplating an attack on Americans that it is not really a good idea to "tug" on Superman's cape.Of course all this depends upon a Commander In Chief more concerned with saving the lives of those he put in harm's way than getting his crew rested for a campaign fund raising event in Las Vegas the next day. It also depends upon a Secretary of State who actually understood "What difference did it make?", and a Secretary of Defense who was watching the feed from the drone and understood what the attack consisted of instead of making an immediate response that "One of the military tenants is that you don't commit assets until you fully understand the tactical situation."YGBSM!( You Gotta Be Shittin' Me) Ultimately it comes down to the question of who gave that order to stand down? Whoever that coward turns out to be should be exposed, removed from office, and face criminal charges for dereliction of duty. The combat forces of the United States of America deserve leadership that really does "have their back" when the chips are down.FOR THOSE OF YOU HAVE ACTUALLY TAKEN THE TIME TO READ THIS, DO ONE THING FOR ME AND FORWARD IT TO EVERYONE YOU KNOW!! TO AVOID THIS HAPPENING AGAIN, WHOM EVER GAVE THE "STAND DOWN" ORDER NEEDS TO BE EXPOSED!
5/30/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, Benghazi | 2 Comments
Fwd: FW: Learning Arabic
The current administration wants us to learn more about Muslims and accept them into our culture.
5/29/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: ARABS, BARACK OBAMA, MUSLIM, REAL TRUE STORY | 2 Comments
FW: Now we know why :-)
5/28/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: Benghazi, HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON | 1 Comments
Fwd: FW: Latest posters
5/25/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, GUN CONTROL, IMMIGRANT, OBAMACARE | 1 Comments
Fwd: FW: A little Chicago humor!
>I was driving through northern Illinois last night listening to a call-in
> program on WGN in Chicago.
> People were calling in all upset about the goat's' head sent to Cubs owner
> Tom Rickett's at Wrigley Field.
> Some guy called in from Indiana and said, "Why are you all so upset
> "because someone sent a goat's head to Wrigley Field?
> Aren't you the guys that sent a horse's ass to the White House"?
> I almost ran off the road!
5/24/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, Chicago, REAL TRUE STORY | 4 Comments
Fwd: FW: We made it through the 40s, 50s, 60s.
Subject: Fwd: We made it through the 40s, 50s, 60s.
You have probably read the words that you will hear on this video but it is nice to have those words put together in a visual format.
5/23/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: DARN TOOTIN, Facebook, LIBERALS ARE BRINGING US DOWN, nostalgia | 1 Comments
Fwd: FW: Top Flight Job Applicants!!!
Today's Pool of Employable Candidates..... and they wonder why no one will hire them.
Fwd: FW: Antarctic sea ice hits new record high
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, Jul 5, 2014 at 8:48 PM
Subject: FW: Antarctic sea ice hits new record high
Subject: Antarctic sea ice hits new record high
Date: Sat, 5 Jul 2014 18:51:30 -0700
Global warming computer models confounded as Antarctic sea ice hits new record high with 2.1million square miles more than is usual for time of year
- Ice is covering 16m sq km, more than 2.1m unusual for time of year
- UN computer models say Antarctic ice should be in decline, not increasing
In statistical terms, the extent of the ice cover is hugely significant.
5/17/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: GLOBAL WARMING, LIBERALS ARE BRINGING US DOWN | 1 Comments
FW: Is this true ? :-)
Fantastic historical moment in time.
This might be worth a drive to South Dakota to see!
Historical moment: I-65 Closing for Coal Transport
I-65 will be closed tomorrow across Tennessee and Kentucky. They are hauling
a 200 ton lump of coal to Mount Rushmore in South Dakota so they can add
Barack Hussein Obama to the Mount Rushmore monument.
B. H. Obama has stated on national TV that he believes himself to be the
fourth greatest U.S. President, behind Washington, Jefferson and Lincoln but
greater than Theodore Roosevelt.
They had to settle for coal, because they couldn't find a 200 ton piece of
5/16/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, George Washington, kentucky, LINCOLN, PHOTOSHOP IS HILARIOUS, RACISM, REAL TRUE STORY, ROOSEVELT, tennessee, THOMAS JEFFERSON | 1 Comments
Fwd: FW: FW: Fwd: Please Pass On
Whether we agree with the politics of whatever war our government sent them to, we owe them ... big time ... every time.
When a soldier comes home, he finds it listen to his son whine about being bored. keep a straight face when people complain about potholes.
To be tolerant of people who complain about the hassle of getting ready for work. be understanding when a co-worker complains about a bad night's sleep. be silent when people pray to God for a new car. control his panic when his wife tells him he needs to drive slower. be compassionate when a businessman expresses a fear of flying. keep from laughing when anxious parents say they're afraid to send their kids off to summer camp. keep from ridiculing someone who complains about hot weather. control his frustration when a colleague gripes about his coffee being cold. remain calm when his daughter complains about having to walk the dog. be civil to people who complain about their jobs. just walk away when someone says they only get two weeks of vacation a year. be forgiving when someone says how hard it is to have a new baby in the house.
Is loving one.
I was asked to pass this on and I will gladly do so!! Will you???
No one has been able to explain to me why young men and women serve in the U.S. Military for 20 years, risking their lives protecting freedom, and only get 50% of their pay on retirement. While Politicians hold their political positions, in the safe confines of the capital, protected by these same men and women, and receive full-pay retirement after serving one term. It just does not make any sense.
If each person who receives this will forward it on to 20 people, in three days, most people in The United States of America will have the message. This is one proposal that really should be passed around.
Proposed�28th Amendment to the United States Constitution: "Congress shall make no law that applies to the citizens of the United States that does not apply equally to the Senators and/or Representatives; and, Congress shall make no law that applies to the Senators and/or Representatives that does not apply equally to the citizens of the United States."
You are one of my 20+. I passed it on, will you?�
"If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice," and these brave soldiers have given you that right!!
News Flash - Another boat intercepted off the Texas coast!!
The Navy intercepted a boatload of people off the Texas coast today.
This placed the Navy in an awkward position, as the boat was not heading to the US, but towards Mexico and central America.
Another surprise finding was the people were white American retirement age seniors. Their claim was that they were trying to get to Central America or Southern Mexico they wanted to return to the US as illegal immigrants. Then they would be entitled to far more benefits than they were receiving as legitimate American retirees.
It is believed the Navy gave them food, water and fuel and assisted them on their journey.
We are booking on the next boat out. Let me know if you want to join us.
5/14/2018 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: IMMIGRANT, IMMIGRAtion, MEXICO, Retirement, Senior citizens, TEXAS, US NAVY | 2 Comments