Subject: FW: Fat Fingers
Fwd: FW: Fat Fingers
3/31/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, HITLER, OBAMACARE | 9 Comments
3/28/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: GUN CONTROL, GUNS | 2 Comments
FW: Putin vs. Obama
3/27/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, Vladimir Putin | 7 Comments
Fw: Florida Bowling Alley
P.S. note how wholesome this family looks. Not a Miley or Beiber or Pelosi in the bunch.
Clever! What a money-maker! What a way to vent frustration!
The alley also reported a record number of 300 games.
3/26/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, FLORIDA, PHOTOSHOP IS HILARIOUS | 8 Comments
Fw: Please forward
If you are not interested in this message, simply delete it. If you are not a veteran, send this to those that you know who are, or to those who may know veterans.The 2014 United States elections will be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2014. During this midterm election year, all 435 seats in the United States House of Representatives and 33 of the 100 seats in the United States Senate will be contested in this election. Get out and VOTE!A movement has been started by our armed forces to get out the vote in 2014. They are organizing themselves, but this can be done by all of us. The President, the Commander in Chief, has made the Rules of Engagement (ROE) so difficult, that our troops are often killed before they can even get permission to fight. Nothing has been done to stop our troops from being murdered by the Afghanis they are training, either.Now, the President wants the US to sign on to the UNs International Criminal Court (ICC), whichwould allow the UN's ICC to arrest and try US troops for War Crimes, without the legal protections guaranteed under US Law, and from which there is no appeal.The President, with his Democratic control of the Senate, has nearly all the power. If the Non-Establishment Republicans, and Conservatives, can take back the Senate in 2014, our troops can once again be protected from unnecessary danger. Please consider this, and send it on to your mailing lists.Interestingly enough, when GWB was president you heard about the military deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan almost daily. With Obama in the White House, the mainstream media has been strangely quiet. ---More than 1,000 American soldiers have lost their lives in Afghanistan in the last 27 months. This is more than the combined total of the nine years before. During the last month, over 50 additional NATO and US servicemen have been murdered, inside jobs by those who are hired to be a force for good in Afghanistan.The commander in chief is AWOL. Not a peep, although he ordered the White House flag flown at half-staff for the Sikhs that were killed. There is a deep disgust, a fury, growing in the ranks of the military against the indifferent incompetence of this president. It has taken on a dangerous tone. No one knows what to do about him, but the anger runs deep as the deaths continue with no strategic end in sight to the idiocy of this war. Obama has had 5 years to end this futile insanity, during which time he has vacationed, golfed, campaigned, and generally ignored the plight of our men and women in uniform.But, there is now a movement afoot in the armed services to launch a massive get out the vote drive against this president's lackeys in the senate and the house, especially John Boehner and Mitch McConnell.Not just current active duty types, but the National Guard, Reserves, the retired, and all other prior service members. This is no small special interest group, but many millions of veterans who can have an enormous impact on the outcome of the November election if they all respond.The one million military retirees in Florida alone could mean an overwhelming victory in that state if they all show up at the polls. It might not keep another one hundred U.S. troops from dying between now and November, but a turn out to vote by the military against this heart breaking lack of leadership can make a powerful statement that hastens a change to the indifference of this shallow little man who just lets our soldiers die.Veterans: Please forward to your lists.High Priority!For those who have fought for it, freedom has a taste the protected will never know. "IN GOD WE TRUST"
3/25/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: 2014 Election, BARACK OBAMA, House, SENATE, VOTE | 5 Comments
FW: Dearborn, Michigan makes the news
Dearborn, Michigan makes the newsThis is from a fellow who lives and works in Dearborn!Can't work in the school system front offices if you don't speak arabic nowand need to know many dialects as some Arabs can't understand others arabic languageEverybody goes back to the homeland for months and expects to get passed on to the next gradeit's crazy as I am at ground zero on thiskids (assuming girls, can't tell for sure) roaming the hallways in full blown burkaskids attending classes that can't speak or understand Englishall school monies are being moved from the English end of town (irish, polish, italian etc etc kids) to the east end (95% arabic) in the attempt to prop up the poorly performing schools .6th graders are reading at a 3rd grade level , forget math and sciencesbut everybody gets free breakfasts and lunches. after being dropped off in Land Rovers, and the car of choice here Mercedes or Escalade. it is very common to have 3 families live in 1 houseall garages are being converted into living spaces complete with stoves (against all codes ) and the city council can't find the nerve to enforce the safety regulationscars end up parked all over the streets affecting snow plowing, garbage pick up, ambulance runsI'll send you some pics as I take themIf this doesn't scare you, you haven't been watching what has happened to our country in recent years.I bet you can't guess what this is!•ÅÐÇ ßÇä ÏÎáß ÇáÔåÑí ÇáÅÌãÇáí ÃÞá ãä 150 ÏæáÇÑ æ 100 ÏæáÇÑ Ãæ ÃÞá Ýí ÇáÃÕæáÇáÓÇÆáÉ )äÞæÏ Ýí ÇáíÏ¡ ÇáÍÓÇÈÇÊ ÇáÌÇÑíÉ Ãæ ÍÓÇÈÇÊ ÇáÊæÝíÑ¡ ÔåÇÏÇÊ ÇáÊæÝíÑ(¡ Ãæ•ÅÐÇ ßÇä ãÌãæÚ ÏÎáß ÇáÅÌãÇáí æÃÕæáß ÇáÓÇÆáÉ ÃÞá ãä ãÌãæÚ ÅíÌÇÑß ÇáÔåÑí ÃæÞÓØ ÇáÞÑÖ ÇáÚÞÇÑí ÒÇÆÏ ÝÇÊæÑÉ ÇáÊÏÝÆÉ æÇáãäÇÝÚ ÇáÚÇãÉ¡ Ãæ•ÅÐÇ ßäÊ ãÚÏæã* ÇáÏÎá Ãæ ÃÌíÑ ãæÓãí ãÊäÞá Ãæ ÚÇãá ãÒÇÑÚ ãæÓãí æáÏíß 100ÏæáÇÑ Ãæ ÃÞá Ýí ÇáÃÕæá ÇáÓÇÆáÉ.*ÇáãÚÏæã åæ Ãä íßæä ÏÎáß ÞÏ ÊæÞÝ ÞÈá ÊÇÑíÎ ÊÞÏíã ÇáØáÈ¡ Ãæ Ãä ÏÎáß ÞÏ ÈÏÃæáßäß ÊÊæÞÚ Ãä áÇ ÊÞÈÖ ÃßËÑ ãä 25 ÏæáÇÑ Ýí ÛÖæä Çá 10 ÃíÇã ÇáÞÇÏãÉ.ÅÐÇ ßÇä Ãåá ÈíÊß ãÄåáÇð áãÚÇáÌÉ ÇáØáÈ Ýí ÛÖæä ÓÈÚÉ ÃíÇã¡ ÝíÌÈ Úáíß:•Ãä ÊÔÊÑß Ýí ãÞÇÈáÉ¡ æ•Ãä ÊÞÏøã ÅËÈÇÊÇð ÈåæíÊß ÇáÔÎÕíÉ¡ æ•ÇÓÊßãÇá ÚãáíÉ ÇáØáÈ ÈßÇãáå.áãæÇÕáÉ ÊáÞí ãÎÕÕÇÊ ÇáÅÚÇäÉ ÇáÛÐÇÆíÉ¡ ÓíõØáÈ ãäß Ãä ÊÞÏã ÅËÈÇÊÇð áãÚáæãÇÊ ÃÎÑì)ãËá ÇáÏÎá¡ ãßÇä ÇáÅÞÇãÉ¡ ....ÅáÎ(. ÅÐÇ ÞãÊ ÈÅÚØÇÁ ÇáÅËÈÇÊ ÚäÏ ÇáÊÞÏíã¡ Ýíãßä Ãä ÊõÚØìÝÊÑÉ ÃØæá ãä ãÎÕÕÇÊ ÇáÅÚÇäÉ ÇáÛÐÇÆíÉ.ÇáãÞÇÈáÇÊ ÇáãÚäíÉ ÈÈÑäÇãÌ ÇáÅÚÇäÉ ÇáÛÐÇÆíÉ)Food Assistance Program: FAP(íÌæÒ ÇáÊäÇÒá Úä ÅÌÑÇÁ ãÞÇÈáÉ æÌåÇð áæÌå æÅÌÑÇÁ ãÞÇÈáÉ åÇÊÝíÉ Ýí ÇáÍÇáÇÊ ÇáÊí íÔßáÐáß Úáì Ãåá ÈíÊß ãÔÞÉ. æÊÊÖãä ÇáãÔÞÇÊ Úáì ÓÈíá ÇáãËÇá æáÇ ÊÞÊÕÑ Úáì ÇáÊÇáí:•ÇáãÑÖ.•ÕÚæÈÇÊ Ýí ÇáäÞá.•ÏæÇã ÓÇÚÇÊ ÇáÚãá ÇáÐí íãäÚ ãä ÇáÇÔÊÑÇß Ýí ãÞÇÈáÉ ãßÊÈíÉ.ÅÐÇ ßäÊ ÊÚÇäí ãä ãÔÞÉ æÊÍÊÇÌ Åáì ÅÌÑÇÁ DHS ÃÎÈÑ ÇáÃÎÕÇÆí ÇáãÓÄæá Úäß ÝWell, it's part of the instructions for how to apply for food stamps in the great state of Michigan in Arabic !!Read on:I actually called the Michigan Dept of Human Servicesto check this out and it is true.Have we gone completely nuts!!Muslim men are allowed to have as many as 4 wives. Many Muslims have immigrated into the U.S. and brought their 2-3-or 4 wives with them, but the U.S. does not allow plural marriages, so the man lists one wife as his, and signs the other 2 or 3 up as extended family on welfare and other free Government programs!Michigan has the highest population of Muslims in the United States .When President Obama took office the United States paid several millions of dollars to have a large number of Palestinians , ( All Muslim ), immigrated here from Palestine . Why? We don't pay for other persons to immigrate here, and I'm sure that some of those Muslims moved into Michigan with the large current number of Muslims already established there.So now in Michigan when you call the Public Assistance office you are told to “Press 1 for English. Press 2 for Spanish, or Press 3 for Arabic”! CHECK IT OUT YOURSELF - Here is the number 1-888-678-8914 1-888-678-8914 .Every time you add a new language to an American program it requires an additional number of persons fluent in that language to process those persons who refuse to learn English in order to live here at an additional cost to the taxpayer! Why are we even allowing persons to immigrate here who cannot provide for themselves, and putting them in our welfare system?Press 3 for Arabic.This is quite alarming!!! This seems to have happened clandestinely , for, as far as I know, no public announcement or opportunity to vote on this was offered to the American people. They're just adopting an official stance, and very likely using tax-payer money for it, in various capacities, without public knowledge or approval.The following link takes you into the State of Michigan Public Assistance page,(as in Food Stamps etc). You won't have to scroll far before you see the assistance-letters options for ... (get this) ... English, Spanish, and ARABIC!!!When did the ARABIC option sneak into our culture? Will we soon have to listen to our governmental offices, stores, and other venues offer us the option of "pressing 3 for ARABIC?"Check it out for yourself.(When you get to this web site, just click on the FORMS AND PUBLICATIONS button - those forms in Arabic are listed as ending in AR!!)Please inform every red-blooded American you know, that this is happening. It is outrageous! The camel's nose is literally now OFFICIALLY under the tent!YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK !Thank you Obama. You promised change and you'vecertainly kept your word !!
3/24/2014 03:00:00 AM | Key Words: ARABS, BARACK OBAMA, FOOD STAMPS, michigan, MUSLIMS ARE SCARY | 6 Comments
Fwd: FW: Medical Appointment at the VA
3/21/2014 03:00:00 AM | Key Words: GUNS, Marines, OBAMACARE | 12 Comments
Fwd: FW: Snow day
Subject: Fw: Snow day
This man is working during the storm, while the rest of our Federal employees are taking a "Snow Day" off in D.C.
They'll be back in session soon, to discuss his pay and benefits cuts.
3/20/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: AMERICAN SOLDIER, government employees | 4 Comments
Fwd: FW: Russian Mardi Gras
3/19/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: BARACK OBAMA, Vladimir Putin | 3 Comments
FW: The "Y" Chromosome
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, Mar 5, 2014 at 9:38 PM
Subject: The "Y" Chromosome
People born before 1946 are called -The Greatest Generation.
People born between 1946 and 1964 are called The Baby Boomers.
People born between 1965 and 1979 are called Generation X.
And people born between 1980 and 2010 are called -Generation Y.
Why do we call the last group -Generation Y ?
Y should I get a job?
Y should I leave home and find my own place?
Y should I clean my room?
Y should I wash and iron my own clothes?
Y should I buy any food?
But perhaps a cartoonist explained it most eloquently below...
3/18/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: Greatest Generation | 12 Comments
Fw: : NUTS!!!/ or serious malfeasance!
This RW FWD: is an altered version of this submission already in the archive.
What is wrong with this picture?this the way to send a message to Putin, who is the President kidding or was this preplanned when he said wait until after the election.
The picture is of the five first line US nuclear carriers docked together in one place. Just like Battleship Row, Pearl Harbor , December 7, 1941.This picture was taken the February 2014 in Norfolk , Virginia … Obama ordered 5 nuclear carriers into harbor for "routine" (?) inspections. Heads of the Navy were flabbergasted by the directive but had to comply as it was a direct order from their Commander-in-Chief.
The carriers were all pulled out from the MIDDLE EAST and the Afghanistan support role leaving our land forces naked and exposed!
NORFOLK, VA. (February 8, 2014). This is the first time since WWII that five nuclear powered aircraft carriers were docked together. USS Dwight D. Eisenhower (CVN 69), USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), USS Enterprise (CVN 65), USS Harry S. Truman (CVN 75), and USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN 72) are all in port at Naval Station Norfolk , Va. , the worlds largest naval station.
Knowledgeable Sources stated that this breached a long standing military protocol in the Navy meant to avoid a massive enemy strike on major US forces.
(U..S. Navy photo by Chief Mass Communication Specialist Ryan J. Courtade/Released).
Obama is Commander in chief.
This ordering of most of the Navy's capitol ships into one place is unprecedented since Pearl Harbor ! This could be the creation of a false flag atomic incident too stupid for any enemy to pass up.------------------------------------------------------------ -------------- Also, why did the following happen? Is this a routine changing of the guard? Or what? I'm afraid of the "what"!
Major General Paul Vallely (Ret):This long list of senior military officers and one sergeant majorcomes at no great surprise to me because of the direction thiscountry is heading.Here is the list of our military elite who have been purged or fired under Obama:
Commanding Generals fired:
· General John R. Allen-U.S. Marines Commander International Security Assistance Force [ISAF] (Nov 2012)
· Major General Ralph Baker (2 Star)-U.S. Army Commander of the Combined Joint Task Force Horn in Africa (April 2013)
· Major General Michael Carey (2 Star)-U.S. Air Force Commander of the 20th US Air Force in charge of 9,600 people and 450 Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (Oct 2013)
· Colonel James Christmas-U.S. Marines Commander 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit & Commander Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Crisis Response Unit (July 2013)
· Major General Peter Fuller-U.S. Army Commander in Afghanistan (May 2011)
· Major General Charles M.M. Gurganus-U.S. Marine Corps Regional Commander of SW and I Marine Expeditionary Force in Afghanistan (Oct 2013)
· General Carter F. Ham-U.S. Army African Command (Oct 2013)
· Lieutenant General David H. Huntoon (3 Star), Jr.-U.S. Army 58th Superintendent of the US Military Academy at West Point , NY (2013)
· Command Sergeant Major Don B Jordan-U.S. Army 143rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command (suspended Oct 2013)
· General James Mattis-U.S. Marines Chief of CentCom (May 2013)
· Colonel Daren Margolin-U.S. Marine in charge of Quantico 's Security Battalion (Oct 2013)
· General Stanley McChrystal-U.S. Army Commander Afghanistan (June 2010)
· General David D. McKiernan-U.S. Army Commander Afghanistan (2009)
· General David Petraeus-Director of CIA from September 2011 to November 2012 & U.S. Army Commander International Security Assistance Force [ISAF] and Commander U.S. Forces Afghanistan [USFOR-A] (Nov 2012)
· Brigadier General Bryan Roberts-U.S. Army Commander 2nd Brigade (May 2013)
· Major General Gregg A. Sturdevant-U.S. Marine Corps Director of Strategic Planning and Policy for the U.S. Pacific Command & Commander of Aviation Wing at Camp Bastion, Afghanistan (Sept 2013)
· Colonel Eric Tilley-U.S. Army Commander of Garrison Japan (Nov 2013)
· Brigadier General Bryan Wampler-U.S. Army Commanding General of 143rd Expeditionary Sustainment Command of the 1st Theater Sustainment Command [TSC] (suspended Oct 2013)
Commanding Admirals fired:
· Rear Admiral Charles Gaouette-U.S. Navy Commander John C. Stennis Carrier Strike Group Three (Oct 2012)
· Vice Admiral Tim Giardina(3 Star, demoted to 2 Star)-U.S. Navy Deputy Commander of the US Strategic Command, Commander of the Submarine Group Trident, Submarine Group 9 and Submarine Group 10 (Oct 2013)Naval Officers fired: (All in 2011)
· Captain David Geisler-U.S. Navy Commander Task Force 53 in Bahrain (Oct 2011)
· Commander Laredo Bell-U.S. Navy Commander Naval Support Activity Saratoga Springs , NY (Aug 2011)
· Lieutenant Commander Kurt Boenisch-Executive Officer amphibious transport dock Ponce (Apr 2011)
· Commander Nathan Borchers-U.S. Navy Commander destroyer Stout (Mar 2011)
· Commander Robert Brown-U.S. Navy Commander Beachmaster Unit 2 Fort Story , VA (Aug 2011)
· Commander Andrew Crowe-Executive Officer Navy Region Center Singapore (Apr 2011)
· Captain Robert Gamberg-Executive Officer carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower (Jun 2011)
· Captain Rex Guinn-U.S. Navy Commander Navy Legal Service office Japan (Feb 2011)
· Commander Kevin Harms- U.S. Navy Commander Strike Fighter Squadron 137 aboard the aircraft carrier Abraham Lincoln (Mar 2011)
· Lieutenant Commander Martin Holguin-U.S. Navy Commander mine countermeasures Fearless (Oct 2011)
· Captain Owen Honors-U.S. Navy Commander aircraft carrier USS Enterprise (Jan 2011)
· Captain Donald Hornbeck-U.S. Navy Commander Destroyer Squadron 1 San Diego
(Apr 2011)
· Rear Admiral Ron Horton-U.S. Navy Commander Logistics Group, Western Pacific
(Mar 2011)
· Commander Etta Jones-U.S. Navy Commander amphibious transport dock Ponce (Apr 2011)
· Commander Ralph Jones-Executive Officer amphibious transport dock Green Bay (Jul 2011)
· Commander Jonathan Jackson-U.S. Navy Commander Electronic Attack Squadron 134, deployed aboard carrier Carl Vinson (Dec 2011)
· Captain Eric Merrill-U.S. Navy Commander submarine Emory S. Land (Jul 2011)
· Captain William Mosk-U.S. Navy Commander Naval Station Rota , U.S. Navy Commander Naval Activities Spain (Apr 2011)
· Commander Timothy Murphy-U.S. Navy Commander Electronic Attack Squadron 129 at Naval Air Station Whidbey Island , WA (Apr 2011)
· Commander Joseph Nosse-U.S. Navy Commander ballistic-missile submarine Kentucky (Oct 2011)
· Commander Mark Olson-U.S. Navy Commander destroyer The Sullivans FL (Sep 2011)
· Commander John Pethel-Executive Officer amphibious transport dock New York (Dec 2011)
· Commander Karl Pugh-U.S. Navy Commander Electronic Attack Squadron 141 Whidbey Island , WA (Jul 2011)
· Commander Jason Strength-U.S. Navy Commander of Navy Recruiting District Nashville , TN (Jul 2011)
· Captain Greg Thomas-U.S. Navy Commander Norfolk Naval Shipyard (May 2011)
· Commander Mike Varney-U.S. Navy Commander attack submarine Connecticut (Jun 2011)
· Commander Jay Wylie-U.S. Navy Commander destroyer Momsen (Apr 2011)
Naval Officers fired: (All in 2012):
· Commander Alan C. Aber-Executive Officer Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 71 (July 2012)
· Commander Derick Armstrong- U.S. Navy Commander missile destroyer USS The Sullivans (May 2012)
· Commander Martin Arriola- U.S. Navy Commander destroyer USS Porter (Aug 2012)
· Captain Antonio Cardoso- U.S. Navy Commander Training Support Center San Diego (Sep 2012)
· Captain James CoBell- U.S. Navy Commander Oceana Naval Air Station's Fleet Readiness Center Mid-Atlantic (Sep 2012)
· Captain Joseph E. Darlak- U.S. Navy Commander frigate USS Vandegrift (Nov 2012)
· Captain Daniel Dusek-U.S. Navy Commander USS Bonhomme
· Commander David Faught-Executive Officer destroyer Chung-Hoon (Sep 2012)
· Commander Franklin Fernandez- U.S. Navy Commander Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 24 (Aug 2012)
· Commander Ray Hartman- U.S. Navy Commander Amphibious dock-landing ship Fort McHenry (Nov 2012)
· Commander Shelly Hakspiel-Executive Officer Navy Drug Screening Lab San Diego (May 2012)
· Commander Jon Haydel- U.S. Navy Commander USS San Diego (Mar 2012)
· Commander Diego Hernandez- U.S. Navy Commander ballistic-missile submarine USS Wyoming (Feb 2012)
· Commander Lee Hoey- U.S. Navy Commander Drug Screening Laboratory, San Diego (May 2012)
· Commander Ivan Jimenez-Executive Officer frigate Vandegrift (Nov 2012)
· Commander Dennis Klein- U.S. Navy Commander submarine USS Columbia (May 2012)
· Captain Chuck Litchfield- U.S. Navy Commander assault ship USS Essex (Jun 2012)
· Captain Marcia Kim Lyons- U.S. Navy Commander Naval Health Clinic New England (Apr 2012)
· Captain Robert Marin- U.S. Navy Commander cruiser USS Cowpens (Feb 2012)
· Captain Sean McDonell- U.S. Navy Commander Seabee reserve unit Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 14 FL (Nov 2012)
· Commander Corrine Parker- U.S. Navy Commander Fleet Logistics Support Squadron 1 (Apr 2012)
· Captain Liza Raimondo- U.S. Navy Commander Naval Health Clinic Patuxent River , MD (Jun 2012)
· Captain Jeffrey Riedel- Program manager, Littoral Combat Ship program (Jan 2012)
· Commander Sara Santoski- U.S. Navy Commander Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 15 (Sep 2012)
· Commander Kyle G. Strudthoff-Executive Officer Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 25 (Sep 2012)
· Commander Sheryl Tannahill- U.S. Navy Commander Navy Operational Support Center [NOSC] Nashville , TN (Sep 2012)
· Commander Michael Ward- U.S. Navy Commander submarine USS Pittsburgh (Aug 2012)
· Captain Michael Wiegand- U.S. Navy Commander Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (Nov 2012)
· Captain Ted Williams- U.S. Navy Commander amphibious command ship Mount Whitney (Nov 2012)
· Commander Jeffrey Wissel- U.S. Navy Commander of Fleet Air Reconnaissance Squadron 1 (Feb 2012)Naval Officers fired: (All in 2013):
· Lieutenant Commander Lauren Allen-Executive Officer submarine Jacksonville (Feb 2013)
· Reserve Captain Jay Bowman-U.S. Navy Commander Navy Operational Support Center [NOSC] Fort Dix , NJ (Mar 2013)
· Captain William Cogar-U.S. Navy Commander hospital ship Mercy's medical treatment facility (Sept 2013)
· Commander Steve Fuller-Executive Officer frigate Kauffman (Mar 2013)
· Captain Shawn Hendricks-Program Manager for naval enterprise IT networks (June 2013)
· Captain David Hunter-U.S. Navy Commander of Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron 12 & Coastal Riverine Group 2 (Feb 2013)
· Captain Eric Johnson-U.S. Navy Chief of Military Entrance Processing Command at Great Lakes Naval Training Center, IL (2013)
· Captain Devon Jones-U.S. Navy Commander Naval Air Facility El Centro , CA (July 2013)
· Captain Kevin Knoop-U.S. Navy Commander hospital ship Comfort's medical treatment facility (Aug 2013)
· Lieutenant Commander Jack O'Neill-U.S. Navy Commander Operational Support Center Rock Island , IL (Mar 2013)
· Commander Allen Maestas-Executive Officer Beachmaster Unit 1 (May 2013)
· Commander Luis Molina-U.S. Navy Commander submarine Pasadena (Jan 2013)
· Commander James Pickens-Executive Officer frigate Gary (Feb 2013)
· Lieutenant Commander Mark Rice-U.S. Navy Commander Mine Countermeasures ship Guardian (Apr 2013)
· Commander Michael Runkle-U.S. Navy Commander of Mobile Diving and Salvage Unit 2 (May 2013)
· Commander Jason Stapleton-Executive Office Patrol Squadron 4 in Hawaii (Mar 2013)
· Commander Nathan Sukols-U.S. Navy Commander submarine Jacksonville (Feb 2013)
· Lieutenant Daniel Tyler-Executive Officer Mine Countermeasures ship Guardian (Apr 2013)
· Commander Edward White-U.S. Navy Commander Strike Fighter Squadron 106 (Aug 2013)
· Captain Jeffrey Winter-U.S. Navy Commander of Carrier Air Wing 17 (Sept 2013)
· Commander Thomas Winter-U.S. Navy Commander submarine Montpelier (Jan 2013)
· Commander Corey Wofford- U.S. Navy Commander frigate Kauffman (Feb 2013)
Since Barack Obama has been in the White House, high ranking military officers have been removed from their positions at a rate that is absolutely unprecedented. Things have gotten so bad that a number of retired generals are publicly speaking out about the 'purg' of the U.S. military that they believe is taking place. As you will see below, dozens of highly decorated military leaders have been dismissed from their positions over the past few years. So why is this happening? What is going on right now is absolutely crazy especially during a time of peace. Is there a deliberate attempt to reshape the military and remove those who don't adhere to the proper 'viewpoints' ? Does someone out there feel a need to get officers that won't cooperate out of the way?Throughout world history, whatever comes next after a military purge is never good.
If this continues, what is the U.S. military going to look like in a few years?Perhaps you are reading this and you think that 'purge' is too strong a word for what is taking place. Well, justconsider the following quotes from some very highly decorated retired officers:-Retired Army Major General Paul Vallely: The White House protects their own. That's why they stalled on the investigation into fast and furious, Benghazi and Obamacare. He's intentionally weakening and gutting our military, Pentagon and reducing us as a superpower, and anyone in the ranks who disagrees or speaks out is being purged.-Retired Army Major General Patrick Brady: There is no doubt he (Obama) is intent on emasculating the military and will fire anyone who disagrees with him.
-Retired Army Lt. General William G. Jerry Boykin: Over the past three years, it is unprecedented for the number of four-star generals to be relieved of duty, and not necessarily relieved for cause.-Retired Navy Captain Joseph John: I believe there are more than 137 officers who have been forced out or given bad evaluation reports so they will never make Flag (officer), because of their failure to comply to certain views.A Pentagon official who asked to remain nameless because they were not authorized to speak on the matter said even young officers, down through the ranks have been told not to talk about Obama or the politics of the White House. They are purging everyone and if you want to keep your job just keep your mouth shut. Now this trend appears to be accelerating. " href="http://of-high-ranking-officers- being-purged-from-the-u-s- military rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://archives/why-are-dozens-of- high-ranking-officers-being- purged-from-the-u-s-military archives/why-are-dozens-of- high-ranking-officers-being- purged-from-the-u-s-military General Vallely's comment:Absolutely every communist regime on the planet did this as soon as they got in power. I am surprised this communist traitor with his feet up on our furniture in the white house hasn't done this until now!SO WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO ABOUT IT?I am doing my part. How about forwarding this.Paul(General Paul Vallely)
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3/17/2014 03:30:00 AM | Key Words: AFGHANISTAN, BARACK OBAMA, US NAVY, Virginia, WORLD WAR II | 5 Comments