My daughter just walked into the living room and said "Dad - cancel my allowance, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window. Take my TV, stereo, iPhone and jewelry to the charity shop. Sell my car, take my front door key and throw me out of the house". Well, she didn't actually put it like that... actually, what she said was...
Not having met Mohammed I can guarantee he most likely beats the shit out of the dad that sent this post.
Goddamn what a pile of racist shit.
And its also deeply ironic given that one of the uglier aspects of Islamic culture is shamings and honor killings of girls who dare to socialize with men. So they are proving their superiority to Islam... by acting just as horribly as one of the worst parts of Islam. Well played, wingnuts.
Oh ya, of course: "they aren't racist!"
Do right-wingers never have fake issues with fictional things their fictitious sons might do? They do seem to imagine problems with their make-believe daughters almost exclusively.
Kinda funny in an Archie Bunker kinda way.
Is this what the "still quiet voice of God" is telling them to do/think/behave/act??? If so, I suggest that they're listening to the wrong voice *in their heads.*
So, let me see... If I point how gratuitiously ignorant and racist this is, then... that somehow in dittohead-land makes *me* the racist?? Neat trick. Try again, conservatives, bc in this case, not only is this a humor FAIL, it is also stupidly racist.
And by the way: Caliphate Caliphate Caliphate booga booga booga Sharia Law!!111!! booga booga scary scary mooszlinz booga booga
Honestly, getting thrown out of that family sounds like a releif.
To the fictional girl, I say -
Go for it, honey! You'll have a harder time financially, at least at first, without your parents' support But in the long run - whether it works out with this particular guy or not - you'll be better off. You won't have to spend holidays with those ignorant, racist assholes, or expose your future spouse or children to their poison. And if you're lucky, one of your siblings will take the responsibility for shoving them in a nursing home when the time comes, so you'll never have to see them again. Best of luck to you & Mohammed!
Way to go, dad.
You sure showed that uppity daughter.
Last Anon is right. That family doesn't deserve her.
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