A  lot of  folks can't understand how we  came   to   have an oil shortage here in our   country. 
Well,  there's a very simple   answer. 
Nobody  bothered to check the oil. 
We   just didn't know we were getting  low. 
The  reason for that  is purely  geographical. 
Our  OIL is located  in: 
Coastal    Florida
Coastal  Louisiana 
Coastal  Alabama 
Coastal  Mississippi 
Coastal  Texas 
North   Dakota
Our  dipsticks are located  in  DC
Any  Questions?  NO? Didn't think  So


Anonymous said...

How DARE they sully the good name of Garfield with this crap!

gruaud said...

Oh, let me!

Jimmy Carter predicted this in the 70's and you mouth-breathers all laughed.


You younger conservative numbskulls can't remember -- but it's all there, archived.

And you older conservative numbskulls STILL laugh because deep down you realize the smiling peanut farmer, who was really a nice, thoughtful guy (unlike your own vaguely-elected dipshits), was right all along about nearly everything.

And, yes, we should have gone metric, you idiots.

LiberalGunner said...

Gruaud I usually agree with you, but really the metric system?

My car car gets three leagues to the hogshead and I like it that way.

Urs said...

WOW - I'm so glad that the conservative brain-trust FINALLY figured out why we don't have much oil anymore. How long were their researchers holed up, looking for this solution?

Its just like when my father explained away polar ice caps melting by saying "yeah, because it's summer".

Mocking aside, the idea that our small part of the planet can supply our own gluttonous energy and petrochemical demands is stupid. Especially when you consider how much energy has gone into republican wars of choice.

These people are so f***ing naive.

ferschitz said...

Let's ignore the inconvenient FACT that petrochemicals are a *finite* resource and figure out some way to *avoid* taking any responsibility ourselves. Let's all just wank about how it's all someone else's fault, not ours. That's the conservative way. Whether it's blaming NaziObama or hideously ugly Nancy Pelosi, or even maybe blaming some conservative politician ... let's just play the victim card, *blame* someone else, and then turn our heads and go: lalalalalalalalala not my problem! lalalalalalala

Therein lies the true dilemma of the conservative mind: *waste* your life permitting rightwing thinktanks and rightwing media to obliviate you into *doing nothing* except sit around and whiiiiiine about: ain't it awful???!!!

Accomplishes exactly ZIP. Just how the elites want it. Do nothing; point fingers of blame at *someone else;* and the elites get rich offa yer lazy ignorance.

Way to go!

Anonymous said...

"Oil Crisis?" We have oil in the US and we won't drill, the Mideast has oil and sells it on a closed exchange called OPEC.
And this week Sec Clinton wanted to assure the world (and OPEC) we won't invade Lybia for its oil. Whew! Good thing too, because we didn't think the world got the message after we invaded Iraq and we have no US petroleum contracts in Iraq.(BTW Russian and Chinese oil companies working in Iraq-you're welcome)
The truth is that our "elected leaders" don't even want us getting our oil in our freakin' country!

katz said...

I think she doesn't want to invade Lybia because there's no such country.

Your credibility is undermined by your inability to get basic facts right.

AP said...

Oh holy hell, why do so many people think it's "our oil"? As soon as it's out of the ground, it's put on the market and sold to anyone the oil companies want. The fact that it's drilled for on "our" land doesn't change anything.

katz said...


Because people like the last Anon think that *everything* is rightfully ours.

Anonymous said...

"Oil Crisis?" We have oil in the US and we won't drill

False. The United States is the 3rd largest producer of oil in the world. The problem is that our demand far outstrips our supply. Despite the myths you may believe, we don't have sufficient oil reserves to match our current demand even if we drilled out every last drop.

Good thing too, because we didn't think the world got the message after we invaded Iraq and we have no US petroleum contracts in Iraq.(BTW Russian and Chinese oil companies working in Iraq-you're welcome)

Actually both Exxon and Occidental oil, both US companies, work oil leases in Iraq, and US based companies control about 15% of production in that country. But even that doesn't really matter, because oil is a fungible good run by international corporations.

The truth is that our "elected leaders" don't even want us getting our oil in our freakin' country!

I guess that's why they just started issuing permits for deep water drilling again, less than a year after the gulf oil spill.

Hooray4US said...

There is an "oil crisis" of sorts, but as a prior indicates, it's mainly because it's a finite resource. For right now, there's more or less "enough" oil to go around, but what many citizens don't undertand is *how much* stuff is made with petrochemicals. It's not just the freakin' gas that we us in our vehicles. Oil is used to make a ton of stuff:


Some foods are even processed with oil:


It's a myth that oil is not being drilled in the USA, but what most citizens don't understand is that it's not all used here in the USA, nor does it inure to the benefit of US citizens. USA Oil inures to the benefit of the corporations, and it's sold on the open market.

Humans really need to deal with our addiction to fossil fuels bc, whether we drill baby drill everywhere in the USA, there's not going to be *enough* to carry on like this forever.

Such stupidity as this RWF is really deleterious and does nothing to solve the problem of "not enough oil" to go around.

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