We have all heard our Postal Service is BROKE.

But did you know:

Postmaster Salary is $800,000.00

And yet he received a BONUS of $135,000.00

AND OUR GOVERNMENT IS COMPLAINING ABOUT AIG? So is the message here to do as they say do but not as they do??


Marc with a C said...

Because just like the execs at AIG and Ford, the postmaster is directly responsible for the bad investments which lead to the collapse of the economy.

Potato Head said...

This is a remarkable wingnut forward because it's actually based in fact. But it wouldn't be a wingnut email unless it displayed basic reading comprehension problems. From the ABC New story on this:

"Potter's base salary rose from $186,000 in 2007 to more than $260,000 last year. On top of that, he received a "performance" bonus of $135,000. Between Potter's salary, bonuses, retirement benefits and other perks, total compensation was more than $850,000."

Salary, total compensation, what's the difference? And why not double count the bonus while we're at it?

SJT said...

First of all, this is wrong. The Postmaster General didn't earn 800K last year (that would be double what the president earned). He earned 265K plus a 135K bonus, and he probably earned every penny.

The difference between the PG and the AIG execs is that the post office actually works! Despite being restrained in what they can charge and forced to service unprofitable areas, the USPS still manages to deliver billions of parcels and letters every year in a timely fashion.

VagusDoc said...

I guess then BOTH things are wrong. That IS possible in the universe at large. Loser.

Unknown said...

I'm glad we finally fired Bush and the Bush White House executive team after their poor performance over the past eight years.

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