"Doesn't this grouchy old lady have a name like 'Martha' or something? She appears in some newspapers, but I don't think she has such a fresh right-wing mouth in broadsheet. -dave"
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Her name is Maxine and from what I recall, she's a grouchy old lady (responsible for such sayings as "Everyone is entitled to my opinion"), but she ain't no right-winger. What's with these peeps co-opting famous icons, man?
She's actually a character used by Hallmark's Shoebox division. My local vector of tedious forwards sends a lot of doctored Maxines around, but the real Maxine character isn't a wingnut, just a cranky misanthrope.
MyRightWingDad.net is a museum dedicated to following the course of American history through a unique lens -- the emails "Red-America" forwards worldwide. Take a look around the archive using the keywords below, and leave a comment or two.
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Forward your dad's FWD:s to MyRightWingDad@gmail.com and let the world enjoy the right-wing folk media hiding in your in-box.
Her name is Maxine and from what I recall, she's a grouchy old lady (responsible for such sayings as "Everyone is entitled to my opinion"), but she ain't no right-winger. What's with these peeps co-opting famous icons, man?
She's actually a character used by Hallmark's Shoebox division. My local vector of tedious forwards sends a lot of doctored Maxines around, but the real Maxine character isn't a wingnut, just a cranky misanthrope.
Brought to you by the same people who invented the "Calvin pissing on [blank]" stickers.
At the rate we're going, it's amazing anyone ever remembers who Calvin is.
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