Subject: FW: Great ad on Craig's List
You are probably
not very interested in any used farm equipment but thought you might like to
see this ad taken from Craigs List.
Fifty year old
manure spreader - $1 ( Washington , D.C. )
Fifty-year old
manure spreader. Not sure of brand. Said to have been produced in
Kenya . Used for a few years in
Indonesia before being
smuggled into the US via
Hawaii . Of
questionable pedigree. Does not appear to have ever been worked very hard.
Apparently it was pampered by various owners over the years. It doesn't work
very often, but when it does it can really spread the manure and sling it for
amazing distances. I am hoping to retire this manure spreader next November.
But I really don't want it hanging around getting in the way. I would prefer a
foreign buyer that is willing to relocate this manure spreader out of the
country. I would be willing to trade this manure spreader for a nicely framed
copy of the United States Constitution.
Location: Washington ,
I don't think the person who made this ad realizes the weight of referring to a black man as a "piece of farm equipment"
Better believe conservatard websites went apeshit in their comments sections over this.
Birthers: proof that evolution has its occasional dead ends. All part of god's plan, of course.
Neat. The Kochs got a real deal on this one. Didn't even have to pay for the Craigslist "ad."
I've said mean things about conservatives like Snowbilly Snooki, and Bush the Dumber. But at least I kept my mean comments within the realm of reality.
I mean, GW Bush is a legacy silve spoon dumbo, and Sarah Palin really is trailer trash.
Barack Obama is not, nor ever has been, not born in America, a "secret Muslim," unAmerican, or all the other b.s. red meat lies that the rightwing think tanks love to toss out to their ever nastier base.
The only thing that can be ascribed to him, that really riles up the bigots, is that, you know, Obama is an "N" word.
Other than that, mostly what they attack Obama on is lies, made up drivel, petty trivialities and truly stupid stuff. And thus *distracting* these idiots from whom are really the "manure spreaders:" the 1%.
I understand "manure" is great fertilizer for assuring maximum return on a crops' yield! You sow what you reap...ah? lol ;-)
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