Fw: Nail on Head

Subject: Fw: Nail on Head

Boy, is the title of this article right on target?  Marybeth Hicks has nailed the "Occupiers" butts to the wall.  The only problem is that most will never see this article, and those that do will ignore it, not believe it, discard it and keep on with their inane actions.  Their parents ought to be horsewhipped in public and the "kids (most of whom are in their early 20's) along with them. These are "Obama's children, mindless minions"! Please share. 

Hitting The Nail Directly On The Head

Marybeth Hicks.*

Call it an occupational hazard, but I can't look at the Occupy Wall Street protesters without thinking, "Who parented these people?"

As a culture columnist, I've commented on the social and political ramifications of the "movement" - now known as "OWS" - whose fairyland agenda can be summarized by one of their placards: "Everything for everybody."

Thanks to their  pipe-dream platform, it's clear there are people with serious designs on "transformational" change in America who are using the protesters like bedsprings in a brothel.

Yet it's not my role as a commentator that prompts my parenting question, but rather the fact that I'm the mother of four teens and young adults. There are some crucial life lessons that the protesters' moms clearly have not passed  along.

Here, then, are five things the OWS protesters' mothers should have taught their children but obviously didn't, so I will:

* Life isn't  fair. The concept of justice - that everyone should be treated fairly - is a worthy and worthwhile moral imperative on which our nation was founded. But  justice and economic equality are not the same. Or, as Mick Jagger said,  "You can't always get what you want."

No matter how you  try to "level the playing field," some people have better luck, skills, talents or connections that land them in better places. Some seem to have  all the advantages in life but squander them, others play the modest hand  they're dealt and make up the difference in hard work and perseverance, and  some find jobs on Wall Street and eventually buy houses in the   Hamptons . Is it fair? Stupid question.

* Nothing is  "free." Protesting with signs that seek "free" college degrees and "free" health care make you look like idiots, because colleges and hospitals don't  operate on rainbows and sunshine. There is no magic money machine to tap for  your meandering educational careers and "slow paths" to adulthood, and the  53 percent of taxpaying Americans owe you neither a degree nor an annual physical.

While I'm  pointing out this obvious fact, here are a few other things that are not  free: overtime for police officers and municipal workers, trash hauling,  repairs to fixtures and property, condoms, Band-Aids and the food that inexplicably appears on the tables in your makeshift protest kitchens. Real  people with real dollars are underwriting your civic temper tantrum.

* Your word is your bond. When you demonstrate to eliminate student loan debt, you are  advocating precisely the lack of integrity you decry in others. Loans are  made based on solemn promises to repay them. No one forces you to borrow  money; you are free to choose educational pursuits that don't require loans,  or to seek technical or vocational training that allows you to support  yourself and your ongoing educational goals. Also, for the record, being a  college student is not a state of victimization. It's a privilege that billions of young people around the globe would die for -  literally.

* A protest is not a party. On Saturday in New York , while making a mad dash from my cab to the door of my hotel to avoid you, I saw what  isn't evident in the newsreel footage of your demonstrations: Most of you  are doing this only for attention and fun. Serious people in a sober pursuit of social and political change don't dance jigs down Sixth Avenue like attendees of a Renaissance festival. You look  foolish, you smell gross, you are clearly high and you don't seem to realize that all around you are people who deem you irrelevant.

* There are reasons you haven't found jobs. The truth? Your tattooed necks, gauged ears,  facial piercings and dirty dreadlocks are off-putting. Nonconformity for the  sake of nonconformity isn't a virtue. Occupy reality: Only 4 percent of college graduates are out of work....

If you are among that 4 percent...

find a mirror and face the the problem...

it's not them....

It's you!
*Who is Marybeth Hicks??


Anonymous said...

*Who is Marybeth Hicks??

Oh lemme guess: another right wing hack that seeks to vilify and mis-characterize OWS at the behest of the 1%?

Am I right? What do I win?

Anonymous said...

Not surprising that the writer doesn't mention income inequality- the very foundation of this movement. Because no one can justify or explain away why our middle class is shrinking, the rich are now very, very rich and the poor have little hope of ever being anything but poor, all of this in what used to be the land of opportunity. So distract and blame and turn away from reality. All in a day's work for the right wing propaganda machine

Anonymous said...

"A protest isn't a party" is the stupidest complaint here. You're NOT breaking windows and burning cars?! Guess you're not serious, then!

OWS protesters are more educated and more employed than Tea Partiers. That doesn't make income inequality or lack of employment opportunity without a bachelor's degree any less of a problem.

And it's amazing how "life isn't fair" only applies to the poor, not to the rich. You're in the top 0.1% of Americans who make more than $1.5 million a year? Lower taxes! Job creators! You're a working-class American who's terrified of the bill for an ambulance ride? Too bad! Work harder!

Anonymous said...

Hm, my link to OWS vs. Tea Party education and employment got swallowed somehow.

Tootseye said...

"About 14 percent of those who graduated from college between 2006 and 2010 are looking for full-time jobs, either because they are unemployed or have only part-time jobs, according to a survey of 571 recent college graduates released in May by the Heldrich Center at Rutgers."


More recent stats on employment rates for recent college grads:


Per usual, this bought-off liar for the 1%, Marybeth Hicks, doesn't even bother to come close to being factual & truthful. Needless to say, her sycophantic rightwing bobbleheaded readers will just nod in agreement and blame everything on college grads. I mean, seriously, in a depression, there just must be LOADS of jobs out there.

If you don't have a job, of course, it means you are LAZY, not trying and most likely have lots of piercings, tatoos & gauges in your ears... NOT.

What a liar. What a load of crap from beginning to end, but the Hicks' blithe LIE about college grad employment is really too much.

blaney said...

Shorter Hicks:

Call the waaambulance because I'm *frustrated* by the notion of hippies having more fun than me. Unfair!

Anoner said...

"...while making a mad dash from my cab to the door of my hotel to avoid you, I saw what isn't evident in the newsreel footage of your demonstrations: Most of you are doing this only for attention and fun. Serious people in a sober pursuit of social and political change don't dance jigs down Sixth Avenue like attendees of a Renaissance festival. You look foolish, you smell gross, you are clearly high and you don't seem to realize that all around you are people who deem you irrelevant."

If Hicks was "making a mad dash to avoid" these desipicable miscreants who are somehow raining on Hicks' private parade, then HOW is that she was able *see* & *smell* so much about these alleged OWS protestors???

Anonymous said...


Another shorter Hicks:

"I love the smell of a good hippie punching in the morning..."

Marc with a C said...

"Thanks to their pipe-dream platform, it's clear there are people with serious designs on "transformational" change in America who are using the protesters like bedsprings in a brothel."

As someone who writes a weekly column for the Washington Times, she knows a thing or two about brothels.

"Some seem to have all the advantages in life but squander them,"

All the way to the White House, as was the case with our prior president.

"make you look like idiots, because colleges and hospitals don't operate on rainbows and sunshine."

Pretty rich coming from someone who attended Michigan STATE University. How was your education at the provincial schooling collective there, Tovarishna Hicks?

"There is no magic money machine to tap for your meandering educational careers and "slow paths" to adulthood, and the 53 percent of taxpaying Americans owe you neither a degree nor an annual physical."

You know what else makes you look like an idiot? Claiming that only 53% of Americans pay taxes. Newsflash: if you've ever bought anything pretty much anywhere in America, you've paid taxes. Dumbass.

gruaud said...

More shorter Hicks:

"Because the very richest people have bought and paid for unprecedented political power, and used that power to game the system all one way, boo fucking hoo."

ferschitz said...

"No matter how you try to 'level the playing field,' some people have better luck, skills, talents or connections that land them in better places."

No shit, Sherlock Hicks. And ain't it damn frickin' "interesting" how the rich just get ever richer, while the middle class shrinks, and the poor get poorer. Gee whiz, but "that's life" according to I'm-a-highly-paid-WHORE-for-the-1% Hicks.

"... some find jobs on Wall Street and eventually buy houses in the Hamptons. Is it fair? Stupid question."

Yeah, it's a "stupid question," when Wall Streeters engage in CRIMINAL activities that net them so much money - off the sweat of the labor of not-so-rich - that they can afford those ginormously expensive Hampton houses. Is it FAIR? Hell NO! But you serfs can just STFU and get over it cuz that's the way IT IS.

Geez, seems like Hicks is just phoning this one in. Is it FAIR that Hicks gets paid a huge "salary" to "write" this kind of idiotic drivel??? Hell, no.

Is it FAIR that people like Hicks and her 1% benefactors are utterly lacking in ethics, not to mention good manners, and are happily willing to shit all over anyone who they perceive to be "in their way"?? Hell, NO!

And NO, I don't have to STFU and "make nice" just bc Ms. I'm-Holier-Than-Thou-Because-I-Prostitute-Myself-To-The-1% says so. I think Hicks STINKS and is GROSS, and frankly, I think Hicks should stop being such a LAZY slacker and get a real job for a change. Just saying...

Hooray4US said...

Good commentary.

Guess one good thing is that the 1% must feel some kind of "concern" if they're sending out their yapping lapdogs to piss on the Occupy movement and tell big fat lies about it and the protestors.

If the Occupy movement is so darn useless and pathetic, then it would be just ignored. Although the media does its damndest to ignore Occupy, the fact that doormats like Hicks have to write lying screeds like this is indicative that Occupy is hitting some nerves out there.


Anonymous said...

Occupy Wall Street running out of money? Maybe the occupiers will have to get jobs. http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/U/US_OCCUPY_FINANCES?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2012-03-10-00-23-23

Anonymous said...

Occupy Wall Street running out of money?

Too bad they aren't the 1%, they could always just steal some more.

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