Fwd: This is pretty scary...

Fwd: This is pretty scary....


gruaud said...

Rightwing Dad knows that elections are only rigged if a Democrat wins.

CharlieE said...


Similarly, RWD believes that anytime a Republican is awarded the White House, it's because they have a "mandate from the people."

President Obama, twice elected with a majority of the vote, was said not to represent the will of the people.

Only Republican Presidents receive mandates.

ferschitz said...

Of course, the election wasn't rigged because Trump, while not winning the popular vote, presumably wins the electoral college. All of Trump's fans who are currently dissing the Anti-Hate protestors as stupid & childish, would be out there today doing the same and worse if Trump hadn't won.

As usual: IOKIYAR but it's ok if you're not.

And of course, if an R wins POTUS, it's always a mandate, but if a D wins POTUS, s/he has no mandate and must be obstructed constantly.

Hypocritical? Oh I guess I just hurt some conservatives' delicate fee-fees. Only they can call names and worse. But if Libtards state the obvious, we're so mean... boo hoo...

Mike Hawk said...

Dudes on the Left, "if you ain't cheatin', you ain't trying"!


President Elect Donald Trump

P.S. - I've "done" hoodwinked the blue collar rural rednecks into voting for me....Love it!!! Pressed ALL their hot buttons just right and repeatedly enough, and didn't even have to show my tax returns in the process.

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