Fwd: JOHN KERRY is full of shit: Liz Wheele

Fwd: Liz Wheeler - John Kerry is full of SHIT!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Jesus, do they grow these mean blonde conservative bimbos in vats?

ferschitz said...

These blonde conservative bimbos are clearly chosen for their looks; their alleged "intelligence" or knowledge have nothing to do with it. Then they can spew the propaganda du jour, and old RWD can have his fantasies all in one go.

Duly noted the daily Israel propaganda line. Why are we spending so much money to prop up that apartheid regime again? Why do US taxpayers provide low-cost health care to Israeli citizens, while being gouged by Insurance companies here?

Israel is the tail that wags the dog, and the Oligarchs laugh and laugh at how easy it is play RWD. Dumb blonde & you're home & hosed.

Randall Delgado said...

Why do we give the Palestinians and other Muslim countries millions of taxpayer dollars and those countries are hell holes? I'd prefer living in the only country in the ME that resembles a democracy and where women have equal rights...Israel. Yes, some Muslims can't vote in Israel, but would you allow folks to vote who are hell bent on driving the Jews to the sea and wanting to kill Jews at any opportunity they get? The Muslims living in Israel have many more overall rights as citizens living in Israel than they do living in any other Middle Eastern country run by Muslims.

ferschitz r u an antisemite? Why so much hate for Israel.

Go live in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Jordan, Egypt, where Muslims rule, and tell us all how great it is.

Anonymous said...

Liz Wheeler is another useless twat on Reich-wing media who doesn't have a clue about Israel, the Palestinians, or the middle east, despite having a major in political science (Heckofajob! Penn. State!) It's not Israel that fears a two-state solution - it's the Likud!

Pay attention Liz:

"...the Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza will have full autonomy over their own affairs. Due consideration must be given to the principle of self-government by the inhabitants of the territories and to the legitimate security concerns of the parties involved.

...The United States will not support the use of any additional land for the purpose of settlements during the transition period. Indeed, the immediate adoption of a settlement freeze by Israel, more than any other action, could create the confidence needed for wider participation in these talks.

I want to make the American position well understood. The purpose of this transitional period is the peaceful and orderly transfer of authority from Israel to the Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza.

This exchange is enshrined in United Nations Security Council Resolution 242, which is, in turn, incorporated in all its parts in the Camp David agreements. United Nations Resolution 242 remains wholly valid as the foundation stone of America's Middle East peace effort."
- Ronald. Fucking. Reagan., in a warning to Israel, Sept. 1, 1982.


Anonymous said...

Randall: "Why do we give the Palestinians and other Muslim countries millions of taxpayer dollars and those countries are hell holes? I'd prefer living in the only country in the ME that resembles a democracy and where women have equal rights...Israel."

Fortunately for you, we give a LOT to Israel! $3.1 billion aid to Israel, which is more than the West Bank, Egypt, Afghanistan, Lebanon, Iraq, Jordan, Pakistan, and Yemen combined.

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