This is supposed to be the United States of America, not some Orwellian dystopia where citizens can be arrested, detained, and deemed mentally deficient all because they expressed their dissenting political opinion! |
Government Arrests People for Anti-Obama Posts!
Dear Conservative,
I have been thinking over the past few days about a simple question: Why do Liberals despise the Bill of Rights?
Whether it is the Second Amendment's right to bear arms or the Fourth Amendment's protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, Liberals seem to look at these rights as nothing more than guidelines.
Now, I know what many of you are thinking. Yes, there are plenty of Republicans who oppose much of the Bill of Rights. While they may be "Republicans," that is nothing more than a title. They certainly are not Conservatives.
While it has always been fashionable for the Left to target the Second Amendment, it has been assumed that the First Amendment was set in stone and wasn't up for debate. That was until Barack Obama entered the White House. Now, Harry Reid has promised to put a Constitutional amendment up for a vote to change the 1st Amendment!
Make no mistake; there are a lot of people who really hate Obama and his leftist policies. You can count me as one of them. As much as individuals may hate Obama, hatred alone has never been a crime. U.S. citizens have an enumerated right to speak their minds when it comes to politics without fear of being punished.
So, what do we do when U.S. citizens begin to be rounded up and detained over "controversial" Facebook posts about the President? What are we supposed to do when the government equates disapproval of a President with a conspiracy to overthrow the government?
This is happening right now!
The IRS scandal is a perfect example of government bureaucrats punishing Conservatives for their political views. Even though Conservative non-profit groups were doing the same thing as their Liberal counterparts, only those on the Right were targeted by Lois Lerner.
Most people will never experience this type of targeting and 1st Amendment violations unless they start up their own non-profit. But what about the things you post on Facebook, Twitter, or even over e-mail?
You might remember the story of Brendan Raub. Brendan is a Marine who would often take to Facebook to express his, for lack of a better word, "displeasure" of how the Obama administration was running the country.
In one of his Facebook posts, Brendan listed everything wrong with the country today, talking about how our leaders do not respect the People. Ironically, the post also criticized how the government doesn't respect individuals' rights.
Within days, Brendan Raub was in police custody. Not because he physically hurt anyone... Not because he was plotting to overthrow the country... But because he voiced his dissent (rather eloquently, I might add) and urged people to take their country back.
Once he was detained, the FBI forced Raub to undergo a psychological evaluation against his will. When the tests came back, it was determined that Brendan Raub was suffering from "Oppositional Defiant Disorder." This is a mental disorder where individuals cannot help but oppose authority figures.
Under this definition, half of the country is "Oppositional Defiant." Actually, according to the most recent polling, 55% of the country disapproves of Obama. Is that what it has come to? First, we were deemed racists for opposing Obama. Now we're mentally ill for disagreeing with him?
This is supposed to be the United States of America, not some Orwellian dystopia where citizens can be arrested, detained, and deemed mentally deficient all because they expressed their dissenting political opinion!
This is exactly what people say could never happen in America... And yet it continues to happen!
Now, the Democrats are determined to abolish/alter the 1st Amendment of the Constitution to re-define what political speech is permissible and what political speech warrants a jail sentence!
This is all connected! The Left wants to control what you can and cannot say as a way to control dissent. Harry Reid has promised that he will put a Constitutional amendment up for a vote in the Senate to change the 1st Amendment. These two Liberal branches of government are conspiring to take away YOUR right to free speech and they expect you to just accept it.
Over my dead body!
Growing angrier by the day,
Joe Otto
Conservative Daily
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We have the NRA promoting guns in what can politely be termed rabid fashion, rightwing "news" organizations applauding the gun nuts, legislation allowing firearms in wildly inappropriate places, and a whole lot of angry, unstable people. Thus, the US endures a mass shooting on a weekly basis.
And you wonder why police and FBI take calls for armed insurrection seriously?
All Idid was threaten to kill the President of the United States. Since when is that a crime?
Oh. It's always. It's always been a crime.
hmmmm, ok then. First, agree with gruaud, but I have several things to say here.
1. Who is "Joe Otto" and who funds him & Conservative Daily? I cannot find much on his funding sources, although Shuffling Madness Media is purported to assist non-profits to get in touch with funding sources.
2. Otto's message is a bit of gobbledygook and hodgepodge of different stuff, which, typically is conflicting and doesn't make a lot of sense.
3. "The IRS scandal is a perfect example of government bureaucrats punishing Conservatives for their political views." Uh, NO. This is bogus and pointless, except as the typical *distraction* of rightwing rubes willing to get their panties inna bunch because N-word in the whitehouse.
4. "You might remember the story of Brendan Raub. Brendan is a Marine who would often take to Facebook to express his, for lack of a better word, "displeasure" of how the Obama administration was running the country."
*This is where this stupid post is most interesting.*
The FACT is that most rightwingers were probably outraged at Raub bc of his Facebook posts, which were deemed "un-American" amongst other things. Most of the things that Raub discussed was that 9/11 was inside job - hardly an "upset" with the Obama Admin - which Raub went into some detail to prove why the govt was responsible for it. Raub also complained a lot about the Bush family in general, and esp for making a mess of the situation in the ME - again, hardly dissing ObamaCo.
** I agree that the arrest and detaining of Raub was WRONG and a complete violation of his First Amendment Rights. But where was the suitable outrage from the right or the left or anywhere when Raub was arrested in 2012, which, yes, did occur when Obama was/is Pres.
YES, "Joe Otto," THIS is of grave concern, and it highlights only ONE reason why I dislike and distrust Obama. But Otto fills his ranting screed with a bunch of junk and non-fact b.s. that it renders this very salient issue almost irrelevant. How can you take it seriously through all the rest of the nonsense.
And quite honestly, when Raub was arrested, I saw a LOT more "leftie" publications protesting this than any so-called "rightwing" media.
Glenn Beck did protest Raub's arrest:
But Beck then said that there was a huge difference between Occupy & Raub, and that while rightwingers should rally around Raub to support HIS First Amend rights, rightwingers should reliably diss Occupy & not support their First Amend rights.
My Q to Otto & others of his ilk: if Raub had posted his sentiments on Facebook in 2007 and was arrested then, would Mr. Otto be whining and crying about it in his screeds & calling out Bush for arresting Raub unfairly and infringing on his First Amend rights.
What Universe does Mr. Otto live in? Does he truly believe that if some WHITE MALE Republican was in the Whitehouse that Mr. Raub would not have been treated similarly?? C'mon. Gimme a break.
Yes, we should all be taking note of what happened to Mr. Raub and protesting it vigorously. Yet here we are TWO years later, and Mr. Otto offers up this canard wrapped in a bunch of b.s. victimizing whining and complaining about so-called "liberals" who purportedly are the bastards wanting to deprive everyone of First Amend rights.
Go pull the other leg, Mr. Otto, you're fulla sh*t, just like all the other rightwing racist propagandist shills out there.
Who's funding Joe Otto? Possibly the Koch brothers or others of their ilk. I'm sick & tired of the b.s. that passes for govt in the District of Criminals, and I have not much love for either "party." They're all in it for the money.
However, the tip off here is this:
"Harry Reid has promised that he will put a Constitutional amendment up for a vote in the Senate to change the 1st Amendment. These two Liberal branches of government are conspiring to take away YOUR right to free speech and they expect you to just accept it."
Sen Reid is proposing changes to the First Amendment. Said changes would seek redress for the damage done by Sup Court decisions, Citizens United & McCutcheon, which have pretty much put the 1% corporate-fascists in charge by calling corporations "people" and permitting all sorts of Big Money to pretty much buy campaigns at all levels of US govt. Only the mega-wealthy need vote anymore because that's all that counts.
This dissembling screed makes out like Reid's proposed changes to the First Amendment will "hurt" the rabble in the 99%. While I doubt these proposed changes to the First Amend will pass, they would, in fact, benefit the 99% and restrict (at least temporarily) the strangle-hold of the 1% - and not just from America but from anywhere - has on running the US these days.
My guess is that Joe Otto is handsomely paid by the likes of the Kochs, the Waltons, the Scaifs, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, et al. You know: the usual suspects.
Question: if Brendan Raub had been a Muslim and/or a minority, would Joe Otto trot him out as the poster child for how dastardly Obama is taking away First Amendment rights of US citizens? And would Joe Otto be whipping up rightwingers to rally for Brendan Raub's rights if he was a Muslim and/or a minority?
Second Q: what is the relationship between Raub's arrest for his Facebook posts and the amendments proposed by Harry Reid for the First Amendment?
Shorter A: there's no relationship between what happened to Raub and what Reid proposes. Two different First Amendment situations. Reid's proposed changes would neither make things worse or better for Raub or others who do something similar.
Third Q: why is Joe Otto using Raub as his example for how Harry Reid's amendments are taking away rights to free speech?
Conservatives's 1st amendment rights are under attack???!! Why does this imbecile even want to go there.
All one has to do is compare the PTB's ( powers that be ) reactions to the protests of 'Occupy Wall St', to those gun brandishing teabaggers at town hall meetings.
The police state and the media gave the 'baggers a complete pass, while they cracked down viciously on the OWS protesters. It was so obvious.
This reminds me of the story of a high school girl who posted something vaguely threatening toward Pres. Bush on Facebook.
The Secret Service showed up at her school, pulled her into the hallway and publicly questioned her -- 18 months after she posted whatever it was. But, of course, she was appropriately alarmed, politely answered their questions and promised to take down the offending post. I suspect this guy who was put into custody probably DIDN'T behave well toward the FBI! But who cares about anti-social behavior when you can score political points instead?
Hey Thx, I remember that incident now. My perspective? I thought that it was outrageous that the Fibbies questioned the high schooler, and I disagree with how Raub was treated.
That said, the high school girl was tackled by the FBI during the reign of W, so is "Joe Otto" going to get all outraged about that? Doubt it.
Same deal goes with the Dixie Chicks, who made a minor negative comment on stage about W and the War in Iraq. No Alphabets hauled them off to jail or anything, but citizens were duly directed by Rush & Fox to shun and ostracize the band for expressing their opinion publically.
Did "Joe Otto" get all upset about that? My understanding is that the Dixie Chicks still experience some negativity and backlash from that long ago Free Speech/First Amendment Rights incident. Don't see no Tea Partiers rallying to their cause.
Just saying...
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