---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, Aug 24, 2012 at 12:01 PM
Subject: FYI
Dear Family and Friends,
I have preached very diligently that the cuts in funding
by Obamacare of 500 Billion Dollars from Medicare
can only be achieved in one manner: Denial of Care.
Up until now I did not have any specific person or case
to demonstrate that effect.
Now I have two:
1) The email I received from our friends wife. Ron (who is named
in the email below) had Multiple Myeloma treated with obliteration
of his bone marrow and a stem cell implant which has been 100%
successful to date. As mentioned in the email below he would have
been denied this treatment because of his age (he is 70) even though
he is a viable, mentally alert, active person.
2) Me. I would have been told that because I am over 70 years of
age there is no treatment available for me except Hospice.
Now, the problem is, only people who will know that they are
really being denied care are those who have some knowledge of the
Medical field. The rest of the population will just accept the premise
that there really is nothing that can be done for their life threating illness.
So, unless Obamacare is overturned, you can be assured that when
you reach a specific age you will be treated in a fashion which we
in the medical profession have labeled "benign neglect". Please
do read the email below and consider the ramification to you either
now or in the near future; whenever you reach the age of 62.
I have preached very diligently that the cuts in funding
by Obamacare of 500 Billion Dollars from Medicare
can only be achieved in one manner: Denial of Care.
Up until now I did not have any specific person or case
to demonstrate that effect.
Now I have two:
1) The email I received from our friends wife. Ron (who is named
in the email below) had Multiple Myeloma treated with obliteration
of his bone marrow and a stem cell implant which has been 100%
successful to date. As mentioned in the email below he would have
been denied this treatment because of his age (he is 70) even though
he is a viable, mentally alert, active person.
2) Me. I would have been told that because I am over 70 years of
age there is no treatment available for me except Hospice.
Now, the problem is, only people who will know that they are
really being denied care are those who have some knowledge of the
Medical field. The rest of the population will just accept the premise
that there really is nothing that can be done for their life threating illness.
So, unless Obamacare is overturned, you can be assured that when
you reach a specific age you will be treated in a fashion which we
in the medical profession have labeled "benign neglect". Please
do read the email below and consider the ramification to you either
now or in the near future; whenever you reach the age of 62.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: | FYI |
Date: | Wed, 22 Aug 2012 17:31:29 -0400 (EDT) |
From: |
"We saw Dr. Diaz today, Ron's oncologist, and he has his date set in Washington, along with many other
cancer doctors to go and lobby for a change in Obamacare. If it goes thru AS IS, cancer funding will
be cut by a full 1/3!! Dr. Diaz is Hispanic and an Independent, not making a point for the Republicans,
but he and health care providers are reading the small print in Obamacare and finding out things that have not been told to us by our administration."
"The other thing he mentioned is that funding for expensive treatments like bone and stem cell transplants
for those over 62, will no longer be possible under Obamacare, as the cost outweighs the lifespan of
those in this age bracket. Shocking?? If Ron had gotten cancer under Obamacare, he would have been
treated with chemo and pills and that clearly would not have been enough."
"Please think long and hard before this election---it is the most important one in our lifetime."
IF, in the theoretical dimension where Republican lies are fact, Obamacare did deny people past 70 care, I see one answer:
Why on God's green Earth are these good, honest, hardworking individuals relying on a government entitlement program for their healthcare? Shouldn't they have been responsible enough to save up money throughout their lifetimes to cover events like this? Why should we have to pay for their care????!!!??? It's just another example of right wingers trying to live on the dole...
It's just another example of right wingers trying to live on the dole...
Republicans are OK with government services, but they think the tax rate should be zero.
In other words, they think that all government services should be free.
They are hypocrites.
Is saying your doctor is Hispanic the same thing as saying "some of my best friends are gay"?
A public option or Medicare for all would have made the most sense, both economically and in terms of managing it. Yet when Obama kinda-sorta discussed that during the formulation of ACA, rightwingers like Sarah Palin started shrieking about death panels & socialism is horrible & UK & Canadian health care sucks.
Conservatives - funded by David Koch & organized by Dick Armey & fooled into thinking that were being all grass rootsy - turned out to behave like shitty little two year olds throwing temper tantrums at Town Halls. Nice way to be manipulated, rightwingers!
So we end up with ACA, which is nothing more or less than the health care plan originally offered by Bob Dole, and enacted in MA by the new "savior" of conservatives, Mormon Bishop Mittens.
Egad the propoganda is tedious. I don't like ACA that much, either, but frankly I personally hold reliable-to-be-ginned-up racist rightwingers almost totally responsible for it. YOU conservatives were the ones who squocked & screamed (literally) at your ridiculous Town Halls, whining and complaining about communism & how UK health care is horrible.
So: deal with it.
Geez for suck FAKE phoney "libertarians" who are always going GALT about how everyone should stand on their own two feet, you sure are hypocrits, aren't you??
The basic thing is: you conservatives want everything for YOU, but not for anyone else, esp some "anyone else" who is dusky hued. Heaven forfend.
BTW, most of what's written here is FALSE. Wake up sheeples...
I haven't been paying that much attention, but if Mitt Romney is promising to "do something" about ACA, it's bogus. ACA is a big give-away to the Insurance & Pharmaceutical companies, which is exactly what Romney wants.
If the Tea-GOP thinks that ACA is somehow "socialist," then they really aren't paying any attention. It's about as "capitalist" as it comes, and it inures mainly to the benefit of the 1% - you know, the percent that Romney belongs to.
Romney ain't gonna screw his buddies in whatever fancy "clubs" he & they belong to.
Republicans wish these phantom "cuts" were true, then they could run story after story on Fox News about the poor seniors...since its not true they are limited to trumpeting their lies through the lowly form of email talk radio, which only the constantly frightened base uses for their 'news.'
Only Repubs are brazen enough howl that government wastes money and then scream like stuck pigs when someone else tries to cut out waste in government.
Republicans wish these phantom "cuts" were true, then they could run story after story on Fox News about the poor seniors...since its not true they are limited to trumpeting their lies through the lowly form of email talk radio, which only the constantly frightened base uses for their 'news.'
Only Repubs are brazen enough howl that government wastes money and then scream like stuck pigs when someone else tries to cut out waste in government.
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