Subject: Short Quiz

Short Quiz

Six trivia questions to see how much history you know. Be honest, it's kinda fun and revealing. If you don't know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions (no cheating) before looking at the answers.
Who said it?
 1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
A. Karl Marx
B. Adolph Hitler
C. Joseph Stalin
D. None of the above

2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility,,,,,for shared prosperity."

A. Lenin
B. Mussolini
C. Idi Amin
D. None of the Above

3) "(We) ...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."

A. Nikita Khrushev
B. Josef Goebbels

C. Boris Yeltsin
D. None of the above

4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."

A. Mao Tse Dung
B. Hugo Chavez
C. Kim Jong Il

D. None of the above

5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed."

A. Karl Marx
B. Lenin
C. Molotov
D. None of the above

6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."

A. Pinochet
B. Milosevic
C. Saddam Hussein
D. None of the above

Scroll down for answers

(1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004
(2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007
(3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007
(6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005
Wanna know something scary? She may be the next socialist president if you don't forward this to everyone that you know.


Anonymous said...

So it begins.

For all my reservations about the idea of Hillary 2016, overall I'd be ok with the idea simply to watch wingnut heads explode.

Anonymous said...

Wow, they're already starting "Hilary is a socialist". I thought they reserved that for Obama, because they couldn't call him what they really wanted to call him...

Anonymous said...

Snopes with the context of these quotes, which, as it turns out, is pretty important!

Anonymous said...

Also interesting that somehow we should consider some of these things to be bad.

"It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few

Such a crazy thought, that government should work for all citizens, not just a powerful few!

We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."

Political compromise in a democratic society?!?! Who ever heard of such an outrage?!?!

"I certainly think the free-market has failed."

Which is true in many, many cases. Apparently pointing out facts is a bad thing.

gruaud said...

All of those quotes are perfectly reasonable.

I keep telling middle and lower class conservatives that they've been programmed since birth to hate and fear socialism even though it's in everybody's best interest.

Except for the richest 10%, who not only hold the Pavlovian bell but also a whip.

This forward is yet another example of their irrational fear and loathing.

ferschitz said...

Even without Snopes (but worth reading), it's entirely clear that this is a bunch of:

Quotes out of context and some with important contextual info excluded. Plus attribution of quotes to mostly dreaded & dreadful (but rightwingers don't really know why because they have no clue who Karl Marx really was, what he wrote, what he stood for, etc. It's just that El Lushbo bellowed at them that Marx = BAD) commies or socialists, or possibly some fascists dictators (ironically some, such as Pinochet & Saddam Hussein, installed in their govts by the CIA). So stupid on so many levels.

However, this is certainly a very clear example of righwing propoganda developed in rightwing think tanks and sent forth to Dittoheaded know-nothings to get them to toe the company line, which mostly is NOT in their own favor.

Of course, the rightwing PTB are intent on raising the hackles of rightwingers against dreaded, dreadful, vagina-challenged Hillary, so... hence we see insipid, dull & ridiculous drivel like this.

No surprises.

Angie de Salomon said...

1. Marx believed strongly in the destruction of the upper class, not them 'giving a little wealth'.
2. Milošević was framed.
3. Pinochet believed in the free market. So much that any 'socialist' dissenters disappeared.

Anonymous said...

You didn't build that

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