Curator's note: This RW FWD: is in the archive already, but came around again with a photo.

I didn't see this on the news..............but I had it on Fox.

***********NEWS FLASH**********

I-90 will be closed tomorrow across South Dakota. They are hauling a 200 ton lump of coal so they can add Obama to Mount Rushmore.


  1. That's the good news.

    The bad news: the sculpture is going to be a 60-foot, uncircumcised monster dong.

  2. At least someone on the Right is willing to admit that "Fox" and "news" are distinctly separate entities.

  3. Hey me, what was that you were saying yesterday about how conservatives aren't really racist?

  4. hey katz, what kind of bigot assumes this is a conservative email?

  5. @ me

    Probably the conservative bigots who send it around and gawk at it?

  6. And what conservatives are sending this around.
    See the problem with your alls assumptions is that because you guys are related to and hang out with a bunch of racist, you assume that everyone does. You guys have a shitty sample, you might want to think about getting new friends.

    I never get anything approaching these emails from conservative friends...of course I don't spend time with racist and bigots...well other than on this site.

  7. Yes, because the rightists we see frequently on TV and on the net are just chock full of compassion and desire to help racial minorities. That's why they oppose bilingual education, oppose money for inner city schools and try to fudge the reasons for the Civil War. Becase they're not even one tiny bit racist.

    Now, "me", this is your cue to start talking about Democrats from Southern States fifty years ago.

  8. @ Me

    Do you not realize how this site works? Conservatives send and resend this crap around the internet. It ends up in the inbox of a site viewer, who then forwards it to Marc who posts it. Since they typically know who sends them this stuff, and they can relate

    Not that its that hard to figure out, since 99% of them are blatantly conservative. This particular one mentions that the writer watches Fox News, which is a pretty strong indicator of conservatism. Given that it probably came from a reader who receives plenty of these types of conservative emails from a known conservative source, I'd say the odds are pretty good.

    You remind me of the people who see the jokes about watermelons growing on the White House lawn and then are shocked -SHOCKED - to learn that that could be seen as racist. I mean, its just a watermelon, right?

  9. Anon, you're feeding the trolls. Stop it. They're like Gremlins and water.

  10. @ Charlie E

    That comment gave me pause, too.

    Real Pavlovian dogs are certain that FOX
    is actual news. And for those who are just
    partisan hacks and know it's just a gigantic
    toilet bowl full of bullshit...well, they'd
    never admit it.

  11. The other Mike,
    You might not be a bigot, but you definitely are ignorant (often the two are same).
    You see, just because a person doesn't think that your ideas (or liberals, since you are mention talking heads on tv)are the best way to solve a problem, doesn't mean they are racist. If people don't have the same priorities as you, that doesn't make them racists. It simply makes you ignorant.

  12. They're like Gremlins and water

    At least Gremlins start out cute.

    But I know I shouldn't do it, my bad.

  13. @ Me

    Unless, of course, their opinions happen to be racially motivated, which they often are.

    (Sorry everyone, I know, I know)

  14. @ "Me": Sorry, did you actually have an argument, or were you just engaging in some random ad hominems? The teabaggers and "mainstream" Republicans alike promote policies which are racially divisive and geared towards promoting racist attitudes, as I said. Unless you have some substantive rebuttal, I would urge you to STFU, you nasty little troll.

  15. Yes That Other Mike you've proven me wrong, and by resorting to name calling (troll, teabagger), you've even added more to credence to your point.

    If you really think that "Republicans alike promote policies which are racially divisive and geared towards promoting racist attitudes", then you've proven my whole point, for your to say that then you have no understanding of what and why repubs think what they do. You simple assume their motivation is racist.
    You and this site are full of racists & bigots, you all are the definition of the words. But hey, people who don't like minorities don't think they are bigots either, so you guys fit right in all the other bigots of the world.

  16. @ Me

    You are a troll. You all but embrace it, so why not just admit it.

    As for the motivations of many teabaggers and Republicans, its pretty damn clear that race (not to mention gender, orientation and other demographics) has played and continues to play a role in their politics. Its amazing how thick you are on this subject. Its pretty basic politics, rooted deep in American history (and world history, for that matter).

  17. Anon:

    Sorry. I was the one who fed the mogwai after midnight this time. It's just so much fun watching him/her fume, call names, and make excuses.

  18. Also, I'll bet anyone a dollar that me's next post is a lofty attempt to conceal his/her anger by saying how this site always amuses him/her.

  19. @ "Me": Sure, because nobody's motives are ever clear unless they explicitly state that motive in the exact way that you consider their motives should be expressed.

    So when Republicans routinely go after policies which hurt racial minorities, because they're not *saying in public* "this policy is great, it'll really fuck up all those uppity darkies!", that means they're not racist at all! Because, after all, if they don't state that they're being racist, hwo could we possibly know their motivations?

    Name calling? Yes, yes, yes. Some people deserve to be called names - you're either phenomenally and willfully stupid or you're trolling; either way, you had it coming.

  20. One last thing for 'me' and his ilk:

    If you take the position that, unlike others,
    you are not a racist or lunatic demagogue...
    then what the hell are you doing here?

    Your party has been hijacked by extremists.
    Go and fight for its soul. Read the comments
    on RS, NRO or LGF...and straighten those
    assholes out.

    Otherwise, you are just a hypocritical little
    turd, talking out of the side of your mouth and
    smirking and winking just like the Hillbilly

    That's really all it boils down to. If you want to
    come here and play "I know you are but what
    am I?" Knock yourself out.

  21. @"Me"-I have a very conservative friend (she belongs to the Constitution Party) and most of the time she sends me these types of emails. Sometimes I respond with my opinion but she never responds back. In fact I recognize many on this site. I have liberal friends who have never sent anything remotely like this. They usually send "fun" stuff like a pps of animals/culture around the world/art or something funny.

    So "Me" go out and have some fun, quit trolling the posts making weak arguments.

  22. gruaud,
    Who said I was a conservative?

    So you have a racist friend (that kind of reflects on you), so you assume that most other conservatives are like your friend? Birds of a feather Anon.

  23. So several of you stated above that repubs and "teabaggers" advocate the policies that they advocate because they are racist and they want to keep "darkies" down.
    For you to make assumptions that a person is a racist based on their political beliefs is the definition of bigotry.

    If a repub thinks the best way to fix schools is to have competition, you say that's BS, repubs don't believe competition is good, they just think that is the quickest way to ruin the public schools to keep down the "darkies".

    It seems to me rather than argue the merits of issue, you just say "you are a racist".

  24. Except that nobody here has said that, you ridiculous little turd. We're not saying teabaggers = racists by definition, we're saying racists often become teabaggers and that racists have taken over the Republican party. Go and peddle your silly little shtick elsewhere.

  25. @ Me

    You know, it wouldn't be that hard for you to read up on the Southern Strategy, which has dominated and shaped Republican politics for generations now. The fact that you refuse to educate yourself on basic political realities says a lot.

    Also, regarding birds of a feather (which you brought up): If some teabaggers/conservatives are racist (and they CLEARLY are), then doesn't that kinda smear the rest. At least by whatever twisted logic dominates your brain.

  26. me:

    We call you a troll because you're a troll. A troll is someone who tries to derail a discussion in order to start a fight. You've filled this blog with tripe, refused to meaningfully engage anyone on any topic, and called a lot of names. We have tried to talk to you rationally (and some of us still are), but since it's impossible to get you to respond with anything other than "you guys are a bunch of bigoted hypocrites!", there's no point in trying to talk to you. Thus we are labeling you as the troll you are.

    (Also, we've posted 28 comments on a repost of a racist joke??)

  27. I've noticed on other blogs recently (of varying political leanings) that other bloggers are commenting about how the rightwing is currently resorting to calling anyone (of whatever political persausion) a "racist" or a "bigot" if you're calling out racism and bigotry when you see it.

    Must be the rightwing brainwashing du jour from rushglennseanbillo. Just interesting that "me" is barfing this out constantly at this point, and then I go see other blogs complaining about similar trolls calling them racists when they point out the blatant racism on the right.

    Meh. Enough of the bullshit.

    And yes: MANY of my family members are racists and send out crap like this regularly (and they are not from the south, and they are quite well educated). I have little choice over who my family members are, so it's hardly "my fault" for "choosing" to have racist family members. Although I have been firm with my family (and other Republicans that I know) that I don't want to see overtly racist email forwards, I still get them sometimes.

    Some are sent to me by people I work with... yet another category of people over whom I have next to no control over associating with.

    Just saying.

    It was initially of some minor interest to attempt to have some sort of dialog with "me," but he/she has never come back with a good rebuttal, other than the typical rightwing victim mode of: it's really YOU - you evil leftists - who are at fault.

    So: meh. Let her/him barf out the nonsense. I say: from here on, just ignore. The troll isn't worth the time anymore.

    We tried; it didn't work. What else is new?

    P.S. This is a stupid "joke."

  28. It is interesting that they said they didn't see it on the "news" but saw it on "Fox." LOL!! Yeah: that pretty much sums up Fox as not being news, nor truthful, nor worthy of paying attention to.

    Wake up, rightists: Fox won a court judgement that said it was perfectly legal to peddle their made up "stories" based on no facts whatsover as "news."

    Fake fake fake fake fake fake... you can look up the court case. Couldn't make that one up if I tried.

    Tell me again how it's all the eeevul libruls fault, not the fault of corporations. Pirate Murdoch and Jabba the Ailes at your service, teabaggers!

  29. Ferschitz says:
    "I've noticed on other blogs recently (of varying political leanings) that other bloggers are commenting about how the rightwing is currently resorting to calling anyone (of whatever political persausion) a "racist" or a "bigot" if you're calling out racism and bigotry when you see it."

    It comes from the same place Godwin's Law
    comes from. Anytime anyone is called a
    fascist, the person who called 'em on it "loses"
    the argument.

    That bullshit has never stopped me from calling
    many of these swine what they really are.

    Rove, Atwater, Gingrich et al realized a long
    time ago that words have power and that this
    power can either be ratcheted upwards or
    defused through various memes and tropes.

  30. Sweet, so by your own admission nobody on this this has ever won an argument. "the person who called 'em on it "loses"
    the argument."
    Being that the majority of your arguments are conservatives are racists.

  31. @Me

    I think you should keep filling up these posts with the same argument on how we are "all" bigoted. Not that makes you fucking stupid or anything like that...oh, but wait....

  32. me

    Republicans, tea baggers, conservatives are all a bunch of IGNORANT RACIST douchebags. You are definately one of them.

    Disliking a political thinking or party is not bigoted! Does the Nazi Party sound familiar to you? I guess I shouldn't be bigoted toward them and have an opinion.

    Just about everyone's argument is valid here except yours, you just keep regurgitating the same shit, over and over! Have an independent thought!

  33. @"Me"- You are like the people you stick up for! This is true as I have been watching you and I know what you've been up to.

  34. I've changed my mind -- "me" is hilarious. That 'sweet' comment was a masterpiece of mangled

  35. Sounds like you guys are starting to get a little angry. Don't worry once your anger gives way to acceptance, you'll finally be able to address your bigotry.

  36. @me-you can't recognize that people are goofing on you! Jeesh, your a real dipshit of a troll.

  37. me:

    Remember, if you post the last comment in this thread, you win.

  38. neener neener nanny nanny boo boo nyeh nyeh nyeh: so far, I WIN!!! woo hoo -because right now I am the last one to post.

    Not every Republican or conservative is a racist, but anyone who can seriously blame racism on the left (vis Godwin's law) because we call it out when we see it is FULL OF IT.


  39. Well, here I go kicking a dead thread...

    First off, let me make it very clear that I'm very much a Republican. One of my best friends is the political polar opposite and we have lunch regularly to discuss our thoughts and ideas about politics. We seldom agree, but we have a great time discussing our differences of opinion.

    I'd also like to add that my next door neighbor and one of my best friends is 1/2 Asian. The guy next to him is black. I love them both to death. We take care of the lawns together, grill out, smile & wave - the whole shebang.

    So, in short, I hang out with a black guy and I hang out with an Asian guy - OH! and another good friend of mine is German - as is my wife.

    However, I'm sure that since I got a chuckle out of this original post, none of that matters. I'm a republican and I find the post humorous, so I must be labeled a racist... Since of course "Republicans, tea baggers, conservatives are all a bunch of IGNORANT RACIST douchebags"

    Fuck all of you guys. Grow up.

  40. Wow, the old "I'm friends with a black guy therefore I couldn't possibly be racist" defense." I didn't know people still used that line of "logic". You smile and wave at a half asian guy and a black guy who happen to live next to you? A regular rainbow coalition you got there buddy.

    Listen sir, I don't care if you chuckled at this. The joke itself is incidental. The real problem is the attitudes BEHIND the joke. Attitudes which lead people to try and other the duly elected President of the United States. Trying to question legitimacy, his birthplace, religion, race, religion, motives, and pretty much everything he says, does, doesn't say or doesn't do.

    The joke isn't the problem. The problem is the asshole entitled racist mentality behind it, the same mentality which is the biggest driving force behind the Republican party.

    Fuck all of you guys. Grow up.

    Says the guy who restarts dead threads in order to try and justify racism and tell other people to fuck off. Who should be growing up here?

  41. Right on, guys. Learn to read in whole before responding. I said "We work on our lawns together," "We grill out together," "We smile & wave." I also said the asian guy is one of my best friends. But you chose to ignore these facts, aside from the "smile & wave."

    As coulpes, our two families went on a 10 day vacation last year. Oh, and my black friend - I'm racist - that's why I spent 5 hours this summer rewiring his lawn sprinking system for him so he didn't have to pay some asshole $400.00 for labor and a new well pump.

    Your responses all prove one thing - you pick and choose certain parts of anything you see, hear or read - then you take them out of context and bend them into something they weren't meant to be.

    You guys should run for office if you haven't already.

  42. Someone a little attention starved? Telling us to fuck off, then coming back to nitpick about unimportant things which do nothing to actually address the issues at hand?

    Your responses all prove one thing - you pick and choose certain parts of anything you see, hear or read - then you take them out of context and bend them into something they weren't meant to be.

    Sounds like we could work for Fox News!

  43. @ Republican Anon

    Alright, I'll bite. Lemme ask you this: the 2012 Republican Presidential primary is today. Who do you vote for and why?

  44. @Biter

    I assume you're looking for a "first name that pops into my head" answer. It would probably be Mike Rogers. Most of the stances he takes are solid and I agree with them.

    The "blind spot" for Mike Rogers would be the current state of the economy. Mitch Daniels has proven that he can get the job done there, but I don't know much about his stances on other "core issues."

  45. You gotta be more specific. There's 2 Mike Rogers.

  46. Actually never mind. The closest either Mike Rogers will come to the 2012 nomination is having a corn dog at the Iowa state fair.

  47. Any chance that you'll satisfy my curiousity as to the point of your original question?

  48. Just wondering what sort of Republican you were. Frankly I'm impressed by the thoughtful answer of a couple of fairly moderate candidates. Sadly I doubt any has much of a chance in the current incarnation of the Republican party.

  49. I'm not a complete asshole.. well, at least not just because I'm a republican... I simply didn't like that someone posted that I must be a racist, douchebag, whatever because of my political viewpoint.

    I meant the Mike Rogers from Michigan. He's pro-life, pro-gun, pro-military, all about preventing illegal immigration, against nationalized healthcare, etc. I can accept his past voting history on many other topics including taxes. Personally, I wouldn't call him a moderate republican, but maybe I just don't know about the extreme candidates. :-)

    I know Mitch Daniels has worked wonders for Indiana's economy, but other than that I haven't spent much time looking into him.

    What would your answer have been had I asked you the same question regarding the democratic primary?

  50. you can clearly see that photo is photoshopped it wont happen even iff so how the hell will they attach it to the monument
