FW: "Photo of the Year"

Subject: FW: "Photo of the Year"


  1. Uh oh, grandpa found 4chan

  2. Martin Sullivan - AIG
    James Gayne - Bear Stearns
    Kenneth Lewis - B of A
    Lloyd Blankfein - Goldman Sachs
    Richard Fuld - Lehman Bros
    John Thain - Merril Lynch
    John Mack - Morgan Stanley

    These are the guys you want to flip the
    bird at, little girl. And if you let them,
    they'll do it all over again.

  3. I assume this is about the health care bill, so don't forget the CEOs of the insurance companies, the pharmaceutical companies, the medical equipment manufacturers, the doctors, the hospital administrators, the med school boards...

    Also don't forget that the CBO says this talking point is a lie.

  4. The CBO, does not say this talking point is a lie. The CBO produces numbers based on the info they are given. The info the CBO was given was BS. If the CBO was told that a magic pill costing $1 would cure all diseases they would have make their projections based on the fact that all illnesses would be cured with a few hundred million dollars worth of magic pills.
    The same thing happened during the Bush Admin, when their budgets were considered to be running "small" to no deficits...of course the Bush admin didn't include the $100Billion in emergency war spending in their budget.
