FW: Hooray! It's finally here.........

----- Original Message -----

Subject: FW: Hooray! It's finally here.........

Hi all !

Just wanted to let you know I received my 2010 stimulus package today.

It contained two watermelon seeds, cornbread mix, and 10 coupons to KFC.

The directions were in Spanish.


  1. Lazy! Racist! Unfunny and irrelevant! Its all here folks! Right wingers in true form, denying reality while lashing out against a world they fear more and understand less every day!

  2. Awesome.

    Keep pushing everyone who's "different" away
    so that you never win another election.

    Tune in tomorrow as the latest right wing
    forward insults women, the handicapped,
    Sioux Indians, and Croatians.

  3. What, no 40 of malt liquor? How about the foo-foo and yams?

  4. Don't you know Marc, you have to live in the ghetto to get the 40 of malt liquor! Don't you see, THOSE PEOPLE got more in their package than WE got in ours!

    Really, they missed the opportunity to be just a LITTLE more racist by leaving out the part about malt liquor, and the part about how "those people" got something "we" didn't! Kind of disappointing really - like the racist right is off their game.

  5. I'm just sad that it contained no blunts.

    Still waiting for conservatives who lurk here and sometimes diss us lazy effn libruls for being so non-politically correct and so unfair to poor benighted mis-characterized kindly sweet generous couteous pleasant gracious always misunderstood rightwingers, who never, under any circumstances whatsoever, ever ever ever ever ever display the even the teeniest hint of racism or bigotry or sexism. Oh no, conservatives never, ever do that.

    So, conservatives: care to join us today to explain THIS??

    Oh yeah, probably in their "world" this was sent out by a leftist to make conservatives "look bad." Yeah, yeah: that's the ticket.

  6. Wait, they handed out packets of seeds? Like, for gardening? Surely conservatives would support this bootstrappin' effort to support the Jeffersonian ideal.

  7. Obviously, this is blatant racism. Beyond that, the reference to "my 2010 stimulus package" is interesting: it implies an entitlement mentality that is usually is mocked by the right, especially when it comes to programs that benefit the elderly (Soc. Security), the poor (Medicaid), or children (CHIP).

  8. Oh righties are all over a stimulus if benefits them, but ONLY if it benefits them, and certainly contains no benefit for those who don't deserve it... as is so helpfully explained here. If you're a minority or poor or illegal, you are not to be helped ever. Only rich white people should get assistance.... amirite?

  9. Oh righties are all over a stimulus if benefits them, but ONLY if it benefits them, and certainly contains no benefit for those who don't deserve it... as is so helpfully explained here. If you're a minority or poor or illegal, you are not to be helped ever. Only rich white people should get assistance.... amirite?
