Fw: Prayer

Someone has said if Christians really
understood the full extent of
the power we have available through
prayer, we might be speechless.

Did you know that during WWII there
was an advisor to Churchill who
organized a group of people who
dropped what they were doing every
day at a prescribed hour for one
minute to collectively pray for the
safety of England , its people and

There is now a group of
people organizing the same thing here
in America.

If you would like to participate:
Every evening at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (8:00 PM
Central) (7:00 PM Mountain) (6:00 PM
Pacific), stop whatever you are
doing and spend one minute praying
for the safety of the United
States, our troops, our citizens, and
for a return to a Godly

If you know anyone else who
would like to participate,
please pass this along. Our prayers
are the most powerful asset we
have. Please forward this to your
praying friends.


  1. Whatever. The more time they spend praying the less time they have to spend sending BS forwards, so this is a win-win in my book.

  2. I think their navy and a bunch of Spitfires and Hurricanes probably had something to do with
    keeping England safe, but ok.

    At least they're not praying for Obama to die or
    liberals to be smote with hellfire.

    Which is nice.

  3. At least this prayer is relatively innoquous, except maybe the return to godliness, which is creepy. Whenever someone says I'm "in our prayers" or that they will "pray for me", I take it as a sincere belief that they are helping. I think it's a bunch of hocus pocus, but I can't fault the sentiment which seems well meaning.

  4. There have been some allegedly scientific experiments re the power of prayer (for ex, praying for things that are in petri dishes, so that there is less emotion around it), which has said that it works.

    IMO, the human mind/thought process is much more powerful than we give it credit. Hence, focusing time/energy/though (whether via prayer or meditation or whatever) for the "good" of all concerned is worthwhile. And then: giving these people something positive to focus on is all the better. If you're going to thump the Bible as much as these types do, they *should* realize that you're not supposed to "pray" for someone to end up badly... and so on.

    So, eh, might as well go for it. Whatever...

  5. "Did you know that during WWII there
    was an advisor to Churchill who
    organized a group of people who
    dropped what they were doing every
    day at a prescribed hour for one
    minute to collectively pray for the
    safety of England , its people and
    peace? "

    And if prayers impacted international events, the Vactican wouldn't be a rump state less than a quarter mile wide.

  6. I take your point, Marc, but then again, the Vatican still seems to wield more power than I think it should! Witness the Council of American Bishops and their recent influence on the legislative process in re abortion. just saying...

  7. I always thought it was because Germany never had a Heavy Bomber such as the B-17, B-24, and Lancaster. Their medium bombers were not able to inflict the massive damage required.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Anonymous ferschitz said...

    "IMO, the human mind/thought process is much more powerful than we give it credit. Hence, focusing time/energy/though (whether via prayer or meditation or whatever) for the "good" of all concerned is worthwhile."

    Study after study shows that prayer doesn't do anything whatsoever. And it does harm in that people pray in lieu of actually taking action.

    "If you're going to thump the Bible as much as these types do, they *should* realize that you're not supposed to "pray" for someone to end up badly... and so on."

    Not true. The Bible is full of people praying for negative things to happen to people.

    The Bible is some fucked up shit. There's a very recent movement to nice-ify it and censor out all the things that we've come to rightly ban from society in the 21st century, and pretend that being religious means something sweet and nice and the crazy Pat Robertson types are distorting it. But they're not; it's an evil book.

  10. Spoke to soon, I guess.

    Southern Baptist Pastor Wiley
    Drake of Buena Park sent out an
    email Monday night, saying that
    perhaps his prayers had been
    answered with the death of Rep.
    John Murtha yesterday.
    "Maybe God took him out," Drake
    wrote. "Maybe God Answered our
    IMPRECATORY prayer that we prayed
    every 30 days."

    This is why we oppose blending
    church and state. Because if
    these loons actually get life and
    death power over the country,
    they'll burn at least half of us
    at the stake.
