Fw: Look at what stands perfectly intact among the rubble in Haiti.

Look at what stands perfectly intact among the rubble in Haiti.


  1. Well I'm sure that cross will be a great source of fresh water... or maybe food... or medical supplies... or... well, its gotta be good for something, right?

  2. Well, that's nice 'n all, but R they saying that THIS is the ONLY thing that "miraculously" stayed in tact during the earthquake, while everything else was crushed to rubble? And even if so: so what?

    How 'bout the fact that the main catheral collapsed and killed the head cleric? How does that compare to this statue remaining in tact?

    I think I'd be happier if the cleric survived than some statue, but hey, that's just me...

  3. 200,000 dead, 1.5 million homeless, but he saves a statue of himself. Nice god you got there.

  4. Is it just me, or does that look Photoshoped? Just sayin... The lighting looks a little odd.

  5. All the other shadows sit at a two o'clock postion of the objects they come from and the cross sits at about an eleven o'clock position. I am not a photo expert but it does not look right to me either.

  6. The most ridiculous thing is that whoever uploaded this photo, named it "obama.jpg". WTF!!!!!

  7. misko, no doubt it's one of the many people who think our President is the new Messiah.
    If so, I'd take it as a compliment (assuming your stance on the President, like those of the majority of Americans, is positive).
    Alternatively, it could be just part and parcel of the apparent miracle of the survival of this statue of Our Lord, as everything around it went (literally) to Hell. "Jesus" > "Obama;" a loaves-and-fishes thing, if you will.
