Fw: 2010

Subject: FW: 2010

2010 You will love it!!!

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  1. Wow... I mean... I... wow.

    Cancel the crazy contest, we have a winner.

  2. What is a proud black concervative?

  3. I didn't watch this, but in response to Anon #2: I believe Michael Steele is a proud black conservative! And he is also a winner of the crazy contest.

  4. They're idiots, but they are also legion.

    Coakley's debacle better be a wake-up call to the
    Democratic leadership, such as it is.

    Irony: I like Reid even less than the teabaggers.

  5. Hey Gruaud: Rahmbamma better start turning off his microphone and turning on his earpiece. Talk about a "communication issue." And I agree re Reid. Democratic leadership is an oyMORON.


  6. I don't love it.

  7. Irony: I like Reid even less than the teabaggers.

    There's a Research 2000 poll floating around that asks why Obama voters picked Brown, and they cite weak action against Wall Street. It also asks their opinion of the health care bill, and more think it doesn't go far enough than that it goes too far.

    Voting in a Republican -- a Tea Partier, no less -- doesn't make any practical sense, but I suppose voters are sending Democrats a wake-up call the only way they can.

    (and Coakley being pretty PR-challenged doesn't help either)

  8. The dems 'sending a message'
    were led by Jane Hamsher at

    It may work or it may sink us
    deeper into the pile 'o crap
    Bush left us.

  9. Well with the Supreme Court decision of 1/21/10, it may all be moot anyway, since the Brigands on the rightwing side of the court, who enacted the Bush bloodless coup de etat in 2000, have now effectly halted Democracy in the USA. Yes: the Republics have done the final step in our demise and have sold us out lock, stock and barrel to the corporations.

    I'm serious. We are truly screwed. Tea Partiers had better wake up to the fact that it's not teh eeeevul libruls who are the enemy. We are owned by the corporations now.

    Think your medicare & social security are safe? Thing again. Talk about tossing granny down the shute.

    Good luck to us all, but this is really, really scary and a very serious situation, which I hope citizens can wake up out of their stupors to realize that we've been had.
