Fwd: Our new Stalinist Slavemaster

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Sent: Tue, December 22, 2009 8:04:07 PM
Subject: Our new Stalinist Slavemaster

does anyone else see the irony of this black man who is about to enslave all of us on his government owned "plantation? "
He and his comrades are literally attempting to control you and I, as if we were slaves....that is where we are headed, metaphorically speaking, with BO at the helm.

if I were a black man, I would be enraged.......to have one of my color "spearheading" (oh that was a poor choice of words...then again, maybe not....he is, after all, a native born Kenyan) a "health care" bill that will lead to a draconian loss of personal freedom, would be more than I could bear.....a betrayal of the highest order.......to be betrayed by a black man, after having black men shouting angrily about white racism, only to have a "brother" who supposedly was "down for the struggle" now arrange things that are calculated to enslave me to the socialist utopia of a one world government......far worse than anything any white man has EVER done to the black race.....come to think of it, he is unwittingly being true to his roots : in Africa, slavery still exists, with blacks enslaving blacks.....

and what of the white man? besides being a target of political disdain for many, the white man of this country is also now going to be enslaved along with the black man........and that, after 300,000 white men died to end slavery for the black man, is to marginalize the blood they willingly shed for men not of their color...I can think of only one other betrayal that surpasses this in magnitude.

one is given cause to wonder : will the black man of today actually allow the usurper to complete the betrayal? The black man of 1865 would have none of it.


  1. I...what? how? what?

    Too much stupid for one day. I'm going back to bed.

  2. So wait...is it happening literally or metaphorically?

  3. "only to have a "brother" who supposedly
    was "down for the struggle" now arrange
    things that are calculated to enslave me to
    the socialist utopia of a one world government
    .....far worse than anything any white man
    has EVER done to the black race"

    A new low.


  4. Words fail me. New low, even for KKK racists. Agree w/Gruaud: un-fucking-believable.

    Lest we forget: brought to you by the same "good christians" whining about the so-called "war on christmas."

    Oh, and let us not forget "the reason for the season"... is to be as disgustingly low down racist and despicable as possible and then some.

  5. I've seen rants from the KKK with less racism, pointlessness, and paranoia. They also tend to use capital letters. That says something about whoever created this one, I think.

  6. This one's setting off my satire detector a little...

  7. Wow... I didn't think it was possible to compress that much hyperbole into so few paragraphs. ;)

  8. Frankly, I'd be happy to live in any kind of utopia. I mean, it's utopia, right.
    Now a dystopia, that's something I'd want no part of.

  9. Snarla makes a good point.

    A socialist utopia would be, like, the greatest
    thing ever.

  10. I'm torn. On the one hand this is complete bullshit, on the other I am 100% in favor of enslaving Republicans.

  11. Sure you laugh now...until Obama has the NKVD round you up and send you to the gulags, and then has you shot to death for being a trotskyite sympathizer, just like he did me.

